Chapter 14

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The hallway buzzed with the hushed conversation of students navigating between classes. Sakura, Ino, and Naruto formed a tight-knit circle, their eyes following Hinata's anxious movements as she clutched a book to her chest, casting nervous glances around as if anticipating an imminent threat.

Ino broke the concerned silence, articulating the unease they all felt. "Has anyone else noticed that something seems off with Hinata?"

Naruto chimed in, his worry etched on his face. "Maybe something happened?"

Sakura, however, cut through the speculation with a sharp retort. "Obviously something happened, idiot. The question is, what?"

Ino nodded in agreement. "We need to find out what's going on with her."

Naruto scratched his head, uncertain. "But how do we find out? Hinata's not exactly the type to share her problems."

Sakura sighed heavily, arms crossed in front of her chest. "We need to figure something out. I don't like seeing our girl like this."

Ino and Naruto both nodded in agreement, their gaze fixed on Hinata as she walked past them towards Mr. Uchiha's class. Perplexed, they observed her engage in a hushed conversation with their public speaking professor. The tension in Hinata's body language was palpable.

Suddenly, Mr. Uchiha patted Hinata's shoulder, offering words that were too soft for them to discern. To their surprise, Hinata visibly relaxed, her posture straightening, and the tension on her face dissipating.

Naruto voiced the confusion brewing within the trio. "What was that about?"

Ino shrugged. "I have no idea, but whatever he said seemed to help her."

Sakura, her mind working quickly, suggested a course of action. "Maybe we should talk to Mr. Uchiha. He might know what's going on with Hinata."

Ino nodded in agreement. "It's worth a shot. Let's go ask him."

Approaching Mr. Uchiha, Sakura couldn't ignore the racing of her heart, wary of the lingering rejection she had faced from Sasuke. Suppressing her emotions, she focused on supporting her friend, Hinata.

"Excuse me, Mr. Uchiha?" Sakura spoke tentatively. "We couldn't help but notice that something seems to be bothering Hinata. Do you know what's going on with her?"

Mr. Uchiha's expression softened slightly, but his response was guarded. "I'm afraid I can't discuss Hinata's personal life with you. But I can assure you that she's in good hands."

The group settled into a corner, exchanging concerned glances. Naruto, his worry evident, observed Hinata, who was now gazing out the window. He tapped her shoulder, and she flinched, turning to him.

"Oh, sorry," she whispered, and Naruto's frown deepened. "Hina, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice low to avoid interrupting Sasuke's class.

Hinata hesitated, grappling with the decision to confide in him. She knew Naruto would insist on walking her home, but she no longer resided in the Hyuga compound. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you," she said softly.

Naruto's expression darkened further. "You're doing it again, Hina. You're being distant," he said.

Meeting Naruto's gaze again, Hinata's heart felt heavy with regret. The last time she had been this distant was after marrying Sasuke. They had made a pact not to share the news until after she graduated. Only Kiba and Shino knew, thanks to Hanabi. Hinata sighed sadly. "I really can't tell you," she said, biting her lip.

Naruto's concern deepened with each passing moment. He had known Hinata for years, always able to read her like a book, yet now she seemed closed off, distant – unlike her usual self.

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