Chapter 9

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It was a lively night filled with music and celebration. Hinata, freshly graduated from high school and on the cusp of a new college adventure, was out with her friends Kiba and Shino to revel in the joyous occasion. The atmosphere was vibrant, and the anticipation of the upcoming concert added an extra layer of excitement to the air.

Despite being mindful of her light tolerance for alcohol, Hinata couldn't resist the allure of the fruity drinks. The second sip was already starting to make her feel a bit lightheaded, a sensation she was keen on managing to ensure a memorable but not overly intoxicating night.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, Kiba's reassuring hand on her back provided a steadying presence. She looked up at him, a warm flush spreading through her cheeks, and a grateful smile on her lips. Shino, always observant, raised an eyebrow and voiced his concern about her well-being. Hinata, with a carefree giggle, reassured him, "I'm fine, Shino. I just want to have a good time."

Kiba, ever the lively companion, playfully bumped shoulders with her, promising to keep a watchful eye to prevent any misadventures. Hinata leaned into his side, appreciating the camaraderie of her friends in this celebratory moment.

As they maneuvered through the crowd, anticipation built within Hinata. The concert, a gift from her friends to commemorate her graduation and college acceptance, was the culmination of weeks of excitement. The music pulsated, the atmosphere electrifying, and Hinata found herself swept away in the carefree spirit of the night.

The trio eventually secured a prime spot for the concert, and Kiba and Shino, spotting familiar faces in the distance, left Hinata with a request to stay put. Sipping her drink, she watched them disappear into the crowd.

As the music enveloped her, Hinata closed her eyes, surrendering to the rhythm. The concert was a perfect celebration, a crescendo marking the achievements of her high school journey and the commencement of a new chapter in her life.

Suddenly, the revelry was interrupted by a jarring impact from the front. Hinata stumbled, inadvertently spilling her drink. As she looked up, she found herself locking eyes with a man, his striking black hair and intense gaze holding her captive.

"Sorry," he said, extending a hand to help her up. The touch sent a surge of electricity through Hinata, and for a moment, the world around them faded away.

"Th-thank you," she stammered, holding onto his hand. "I'm Hinata."

"Sasuke," he replied, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It's nice to meet you, Hinata."

Their hands intertwined, and for a brief moment, they were ensnared in each other's gaze. The world narrowed down to just the two of them.

As they released their grip, a shared hesitation lingered. "Are you okay?" Sasuke inquired, his eyes reflecting concern.

Hinata nodded, her heart still racing. "Y-yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

Sasuke nodded, his eyes lingering on her before he disappeared into the crowd. Hinata watched him go, the echo of their brief encounter resonating within her, realizing that she had just experienced the enchantment of love at first sight.


As Sasuke briskly walked out of the coffee shop, the ticking hands of his watch served as a reminder that he was already behind schedule for work. The challenges of dealing with high schoolers were a constant, but he understood that this was a necessary stepping stone toward his ultimate goal of becoming a college professor.

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