Chapter 10

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Karin gasped as Sasuke pulled back abruptly, a muttered curse escaping his lips. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Hinata's eyes widened in surprise at the unforeseen turn of events, and Karin appeared both shocked and appalled by the unfolding scene. Swiftly rising to his feet, Sasuke extended a hand to help Hinata up, the touch sending an unexpected surge through her, tinting her cheeks with a delicate blush.

However, Karin's reaction shattered the fleeting tranquility. "This is unacceptable," she snapped, seizing Hinata's wrist with a firm grip. "I'm taking you to the front office to report this."

Sasuke stepped in between them, intercepting Karin's attempt to escalate the situation. He gently took hold of Karin's wrist, causing her to blush in surprise, as he addressed her in a calm and collected tone, "Ms. Uzumaki, it was an accident. Let's not blow this out of proportion."

Hinata managed to free her wrist from Karin's grasp, a sense of relief washing over her. The speed at which the situation had escalated left her bewildered, and she silently thanked Sasuke for his intervention.

"Please, Ms. Uzumaki, it was just an accident," Hinata pleaded, hoping to pacify Karin. However, Karin remained resolute.

"No, this is unacceptable. I won't let this slide," Karin insisted, her eyes narrowing with anger directed at Hinata.

Sasuke, now more assertive, stepped closer to Karin, his expression unwavering. "Ms. Uzumaki, you need to calm down. This was a mistake. It's not worth getting upset over," he said with firm conviction.

Karin's gaze softened slightly as she looked up at Sasuke. The complex mix of emotions within her was evident, and the jealousy she harbored fueled her internal turmoil. "Fine," she muttered, turning sharply on her heel and storming off in a swirl of emotions.

Hinata released a sigh of relief, grateful for Sasuke's assistance. "Thank you," she murmured softly, raising her eyes to meet Sasuke's, conveying her gratitude.

Karin seethed with anger as she retreated, her mind a tempest of jealousy. The recent incident replayed in her thoughts, intensifying her frustration. "Why couldn't he have fallen on top of me?" she muttered to herself, her eyes aflame with resentment. The sight of Sasuke and Hinata exchanging words added fuel to the fire, leaving her with a burning question: "Just what is she to him, anyway?"

Attempting to regain composure, Karin briskly walked to her classroom, determined to cast aside her emotions before her students arrived. As a physics teacher, she understood the importance of maintaining control. Deep breaths and attempts to refocus on her lesson plan were futile, as her mind persistently gravitated back to the perplexing dynamic between Sasuke and Hinata.

Bitterness and jealousy lingered within Karin as she pondered the enigma of their connection. Sasuke, typically reserved and aloof, seemed to reveal a different facet in Hinata's presence. Karin couldn't help but wonder what it was about Hinata that had captured Sasuke's attention, creating a bitter cocktail of emotions that she struggled to dispel.


Later that day Sasuke couldn't help but look over at Hinata as she lay on her stomach on their couch, her school clothes exchanged for a pair of shorts and one of his t-shirts with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back. She was engrossed in the assignment that he had assigned earlier that day, her eyes scanning the page intently.

As she read, Hinata swayed her feet back and forth, a small smile playing on her lips. Sasuke couldn't help but smirk at the sight, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him at the sight of his wife so at ease in their home.

"Mrs. Uchiha seems to be very focused on her work," Sasuke teased, his voice laced with amusement. Hinata's cheeks flushed, a playful glint in her eyes.

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