Chapter 7

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Sakura leaned over Sasuke's desk, her eyes pleading with him. "Mr. Uchiha, why can't you tutor me? I really need help," she said.

Sasuke let out a weary sigh and rubbed his forehead, already anticipating where this conversation was heading. "Sakura, I've told you before, I'm not a math teacher. If you need help, talk to Kakashi about it," he replied, hoping she would leave him alone.

"But Mr. Uchiha, please!" Sakura persisted, leaning even closer.

Sasuke had reached his limit. He stood up from his chair and looked at Sakura with a stern expression. "Sakura, I'm going to be frank with you. I know why you want me to tutor you. You're hoping to get close to me, but I want you to understand something. No matter how many times you try, it's not going to work," he said firmly, hoping to put an end to the conversation once and for all.

Sakura's face fell at Sasuke's words. She had always hoped that one day Sasuke would see her as more than just a student, but it seemed that he was completely uninterested. It hurt to hear him talk about his wife like that, as if she was the only woman in the world who mattered to him.

She stood there for a moment, staring at Sasuke as he walked to the door. "I just want you to love me," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Sasuke turned to look at her, his expression softening slightly. "Sakura, I'm sorry, that can never happen. I'm married, and I love my wife very much. I hope you can understand and respect that," he said gently.

Sakura nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I understand," she said, her voice shaking. "I'll go now."

As Sakura left the room, Sasuke couldn't shake the somber feeling that lingered. He knew he had handled the situation as best he could, but it pained him to see someone harboring unrequited feelings. Turning back to his desk, he sighed, hoping that Sakura would eventually find a way to move on.


Karin sat behind her desk, her gaze shifting intermittently from the computer screen to the students engrossed in their worksheet assignments. With her fingers tapping away on the keyboard, it appeared as if she were meticulously grading or planning for upcoming classes. Yet, the truth was entirely different. She was deep into a quest - a virtual investigation about Hinata, one of Sasuke's students. The peculiar dynamics she'd noticed between Hinata and Sasuke were prodding her curiosity about their relationship.

Scanning through search results, Karin meticulously perused articles, social media profiles, and any shred of information linked to Hinata. Each click was a pursuit, an unwavering determination to uncover the depths of their connection, no matter how trivial or significant.

Her initial intrigue slowly brewed into a sense of envy as she delved deeper. Sasuke's allure and intellect had always captivated her, and seeing him interact so comfortably with Hinata stirred feelings of longing. Was she missing out on something exclusive and profound?

Sighing, Karin leaned back, staring at the screen, its glow casting a faint reflection on her features. Aware that she shouldn't be prying into the personal lives of her colleagues, she couldn't help herself. The need to unravel the enigma surrounding Hinata and Sasuke drove her, despite the lack of substantial evidence pointing to anything beyond a typical teacher-student dynamic.

A wave of disappointment crashed over her as she clicked through countless pages, finding no hint of the scandalous affair she'd half-expected. Her hopes for any opportunity with Sasuke were swiftly dwindling.

Reluctantly, Karin closed her laptop, refocusing on her classroom responsibilities. As the class bell rang, students eagerly rushed to hand in their completed worksheets. Masking her underlying frustration with a smile, she collected the papers, delivering words of encouragement even though her mind was elsewhere.

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