Prove It

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*At the Apartment*

Kelly and Ana were getting ready to head to the Firehouse and had just stepped outside only to be met with Renee getting out of a cab.

"Hey." She grinned.

"You're- you're back early." The Lieutenant stuttered out in surprise.

"Yeah, two weeks of my mom's 'Natural birthing' lectures was enough." Renee laughed, grabbing his hand and pressing it to her swollen belly. "Come here. Feel this. Crazy kicking for the last two days. The baby missed you, I think."

Ana swallowed and looked away, choosing instead to focus on the bricked texture of the building. Because of this, she didn't notice her husband's face falling slightly.

"W- we're gonna be late, so we better get going, but, um, we'll catch up after shift?" Kelly offered.

"Sounds good." The pregnant woman nodded.

She moved in for a kiss but he dodged it and gave her a quick hug instead. The Captain saw it and couldn't help but smile a little.

"Okay." The Lieutenant murmured, walking off with his wife at his side.

*At the Office of Fire Investigation*

(A/N I know that the white shirt in this scene is technically going under the name Ken Rowe, but he's literally portrayed by the same actor who plays Captain Tom Van Meter so that's who I'm making him here. Anyway, back to the chapter!)

Kelly and Ana walked down the hall and stopped in front of one of the various offices. The Lieutenant held the door open for his wife before stepping inside himself.

"Kelly." Tom Van Meter greeted in surprise, standing up from his desk and glancing over at the brunette. "Captain."

"Captain." She nodded with a small smile on her face.

"These arsons we've been fighting, MO matches up with John Westminster. That's a guy that my dad helped put away a few years back." The younger man explained, getting straight to the point and handing the elder a file.

"Yeah, yeah. 'Big John.' I remember. So?" The Arson Investigator inquired.

"So I called DOC and it turns out he was released from prison a month ago. . . right before the fires started." Kelly revealed.

"So you think he's looking to settle the score with Benny by coming after you?" Tom guessed.

"We think it's worth looking into." Ana corrected with a shrug.

"Sure. Anything for Benny Severide's kid and his wife." He smiled at her, warmly.

The Lieutenant just turned and left the room. The brunette wasn't too far behind.

*At Firehouse 51: On the Apparatus Floor: A Little While Later*

Kelly and Ana were checking over their rig, making sure everything was in order, when Leslie walked up to them.

"Hey." She greeted.

"Hey." He returned, closing a compartment door.

"Hi." The brunette smiled.

"So the management company called to remind us that the new tenants are gonna move in on the 16th." The blonde explained.

"Yeah, Kelly and I can finish packing up this weekend." The Captain assured.

"Renee too." The Lieutenant nodded in agreement.

"So does that mean you talked to her about the baby?" Leslie prodded, gently.

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