Rhymes With Shout

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*At the Apartment*

Ana let out a yawn as she walked downstairs, finding her husband leaning back against the kitchen counter.

"Hi." The brunette smiled and leaned up for a kiss.

"Morning, Beautiful." Kelly grinned back, face falling slightly as his gaze dropped to her left hand.

The limb was covered in a black brace and she was holding it protectively against her body.

"Hey, in a few weeks it'll be as good as new." The Captain assured.

"Yeah, I know."  The Lieutenant muttered. "But you never would've gotten hurt in the first place if it weren't for McLeod and her stupid cutbacks."

Ana sighed but Leslie appeared at the bottom of the stairs before she could say anything.

"Hey. Morning." The blonde greeted, immediately reaching for the coffee pot.

"We blowing off work today?" Kelly inquired after seeing what she was wearing.

"No. I put in a transfer to another house." The paramedic revealed, casually.

"You put in a transfer?" The brunette asked in confusion.

"What- what do you mean?" The Lieutenant stuttered out, echoing his wife's emotions.

"I just wanted- I want a change of scenery. It's- it's getting stagnant there." Leslie explained, softly.

Ana could tell that she was lying but was forced to stay silent as the blonde's newest girlfriend, Devon, walk over.

"Okay. For how long?" Kelly wondered.

"I- I'm- I'm not coming back to 51." She admitted, quietly, right as Devon pressed a gentle kiss into her hair.

The married couple just stared at the Paramedic in shock.

*At Firehouse 51: In the Common Room*

"Morning, everybody." Chief greeted as he walked in. "I have a quick announcement to make. Shay has transferred out of 51."

Gabby whirled around from the coffee machine with wide eyes.

"Transferred as in- as in like past tense? As in not coming back?" She asked in shock.

"Correct, and it is her prerogative. Look, Shay served this house well." The older man pointed out before turning to the younger standing next to him. "This here is Alan Choot. He's gonna be working with us this shift."

"Chout, actually." He corrected with a nervous chuckle. "Rhymes With Shout. Great to meet you guys."

"I am sure you will give him a warm 51 welcome." Chief nodded, shooting Ana a knowing look before heading off in the direction of his Office.

The newbie immediately beelined straight towards the PIC.

"Hey, you're Dawson, right?" He guessed.

"Yeah." She nodded, shaking his outstretched hand.

"Heard great things about you. Glad to be here. Looking forward to seeing some action." Chout grinned before walking off.

Gabby just took a step towards the round table and leaned in real close towards the couple sitting there.

"Hey, did- did you guys know about this?" She wondered in a low whisper.

They shared a look before Kelly answered for the both of them.

"We found out at 7:15 this morning." He sighed.

Gabby merely shook her head and stormed away.

*A Few Hours Later*

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