Keep Your Mouth Shut

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*At Firehouse 51: On The Apparatus Floor*

The members of Squad 3 had just returned from a call and were in the middle of getting their turnout gear off when Kelly suddenly spoke up in a quiet voice. His words were aimed at Capp but Ana and Jeff were listening in all the same.

". . .So I'm thinking tomorrow night. And listen, I- I know it's a lot to ask you. You shouldn't feel obligated, but we could use you." He reasoned.

"What about Mills? You gonna ask him?" Capp wondered.

"No. No boy scouts." The former marine shook his head.

"I guess 30 days in the lockup wasn't enough for you?" The bald man teased.

"Let's just not get caught." Jeff murmured.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Ana inquired, worried for her husband's well-being.

"Like I told Clarke, Vince Keeler getting a free pass isn't something I can live with." Kelly muttered.

The brunette looked like she wanted to argue, to try and talk him out of this insane plan of his, but Truck 81's newest Candidate walked over before she could.

"Lieutenant Severide, how's it going?" Rebecca Jones inquired.

"Hey. Welcome to 51, Jones." Kelly greeted with a nod.

"Thanks, I-"

"Candidate." Matt called as he seemingly appeared out of thin air. "I believe the kitchen trash is getting full."

"I'll take care of it, sir." She mumbled, walking off with her head held high and hands clasped behind her back.

Ana watched her go with a calculating look. It was quite obvious that the other woman had a lingering attraction towards her husband so the Captain would just have to keep an eye on her for the foreseeable future.

"What am I dealing with here?" The blond asked, turning to Kelly the moment the Candidate was out of earshot.

"Jones?" The Squad Lieutenant guessed.

"Yeah." Matt nodded, following the married couple over to their company's table.

"She's smart, she's aggressive, she's talented, but, she also has a truly massive chip on her shoulder." Kelly let out a sigh as he dropped into his chair. "She might make a great firefighter someday, but it'll take more patience than I had. I- I tried to bounce her from the academy, but her big-shot Daddy put the kibosh on that one."

"You're telling me this now?" The blond scoffed in disbelief, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs next to him and grabbing a handful of cashews from a nearby container.

"You just asked him now, didn't you?" Ana chimed in with a smirk, earning a playful glare from her best friend.

Matt chucked one of the nuts at her, making her laugh while Kelly merely plucked the snack off of her shoulder before tossing it into his mouth. The Truck Lieutenant got up and disappeared into the Firehouse, leaving the Captain to roll her eyes in a fond manner at her husband.

*Sometime During Next Shift*

"Lieutenant, I think I have a little problem here." Jones admitted, taking the seat closest to Kelly. "I didn't know that Gabby Dawson was dating Lieutenant Casey."


"Nothing against her or anything, but for whatever reason, she's got it in for me, and now he's riding my ass." She rambled on, completely cutting Kelly off in the process. "And I know that you and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but-"

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