A Power Move

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*At Firehouse 51: In the Common Room*

Ana was seated with Kelly and the rest of Squad 3 at the round table, enjoying some of the breakfast Peter had cooked for them. Lieutenant Spellman suddenly walked up to the counter and the brunette was immediately on high alert. She had been keeping a watchful eye on him ever since he had been exposed at the rat feeding information to Mcleod. He took notice of the looks he was getting from the other firefighters around him and quickly grabbed some food before heading in the direction of the Locker Room.

The Captain shot Matt, who was over at the long table, a questioning glance and he just winked at her before standing up. She did the same and the two best friends proceeded to follow the metaphorical trail of rat turds. They found Spellman sitting on one of the benches, eating a breakfast sandwich.

"We wouldn't mind hearing a compelling reason why you've been reporting back to McLeod on this house." The blonde demanded, stopping at the beginning of the aisle and slipping his hands into his pockets.

Ana stayed further back, glaring daggers into the snitch's soul.

"To the extent that you're due one, I was instructed to." He ground out.

"Under threat of what?" Matt scoffed. "What does she have over you? If there's something, tell us."

"How about because they felt there was a problem with this house, and they needed help in determining what that problem was? How about because I take my job seriously?" Spellman hissed.

"See, I'm thinking more it's because you're a soft-ass fireman who has to pull magic tricks to survive on this job." The blond spat.

"I'm done talking to you." The rat muttered, waving him off.

"You need to find a new house." Matt growled and turned to storm off.

"Oh, man. Just like you did with Hadley, right?" Spellman laughed, dryly, standing up and shaking his head. "Bounce the guy out who doesn't fit into the cool kids' club. Well, too bad." He walked over and tossed what was left of his sandwich into the trash before whirling around on the other man. "We're the same rank, Matt. I'm not some ham and egger you can just kick to the curb. I'm not going anywhere. And you better keep your men in line, or McLeod will hear about it."

The blond just smirked. Ana had yet to react at all to the argument in front of her which could only mean one thing. The usually shy and timid woman had done something she rarely ever had to do: step back and let her inner Voight take over.

"And you better watch your tone." The brunette warned, voice dangerously calm as she appeared in between the two men. "Because not only am I your Captain, I'm also the only person in this firehouse who Chief Boden trusts more than himself. All I have to do is say the word and he'll bounce you out like that." She snapped her fingers. "Regardless of what McLeod wants."

Spellman growled low in his throat and took a swing at her only for Ana to catch the flying fist and and twist it behind his back before slamming him into a nearby row of lockers.

"Both of my parents are cops. I know how to defend myself. I also have explicit permission to keep a gun stashed in my locker." The Captain hissed, tightening her grip and making him groan in pain. "You try something like this on any of the firefighters out there I will not hesitate to use it on you and claim self defense. They'd all believe me in a heartbeat too. Isn't that right, Matt?"

"Yep." He nodded, instantly, popping the "p."

The brunette grinned, darkly, and leaned in real close.

"Do we understand each other, Lieutenant?" She whispered, lowly, tightening her grip one last time.

"Yes we do, Captain." Spellman groaned out through clenched teeth.

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