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A/N This is the second and final part of a two part crossover that begins with Fire's "A Dark Day" and ends with PD's above titled episode.

Please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

Ana was in the middle of helping her fellow firefighters sift through all the rubble from the explosion when her father's unique gravelly tone suddenly rang out through the area.

"Chief!" Hank called and the brunette turned to see him walking towards the other man with his unit right behind.

The Captain carefully hopped off of the piece of concrete she had been balancing precariously on top of before heading over.

"Hi, Daddy." The brunette greeted, once she was close enough.

"Hey, Pumpkin." He murmured and accepted her quick hug before holding her at arms length to glance over her small figure. "You okay?"

"Yeah. A little dirty, but that's pretty much a part of the job description." She shrugged.

Hank let her go and nodded at Alvin who instantly produced a bottle of water from his coat pocket.

"Here ya go, Kid. Make sure you stay hydrated." He advised, gently.

"Thanks, Al." Ana smiled, taking the plastic container from him and unscrewing the cap before taking a huge gulp.

"So, what can you tell us, Chief?" The Sergeant demanded.

"First bomb detonated 8:00am on the dot. Second bomb located in a rental car. Car is still there." He explained.

"Who dismantled the bomb?" Jay inquired.

"We did." The taller man replied.

"Check it out." Hank ordered while turning to one of his Detectives and resident Techie, Sheldon Jin. "If they got anything, I want to be notified first."

"Yeah." He nodded, rushing off.

"How many confirmed dead?" Erin wondered.

Chief turned to his right-hand woman for that one.

"18 dead, 15 in critical condition and 3 employees unaccounted for." Ana listed, quietly. "The sign-ups for the charity race had just started before the bomb went off."

"And we may have more civilians buried beneath the rubble, but there's no real way of knowing right now." The taller man added in the same tone.

A man the Captain had never met before suddenly ran over. She was able to put a name to his face, though, due to the various descriptions her father and Godfather had given her.

"FBI special agent in charge wants all the bosses in the command center." Officer Adam Ruzek informed.

"All right, everybody inside." Hank commanded.

"Daddy." The brunette called in a low voice, stopping him from following after his unit. "Whoever did this. . . they aren't human."

"She right." Chief agreed, pulling one of his gloves off and holding his hand out. "Animals did this."

"We'll get 'em." The Sergeant promised, shaking the outstretched limb.

"I know you will." Ana cracked a small smile and her father gave her one last quick hug before heading after his unit.

The Captain was about to get back to work when she quickly took notice of the direction Erin was walking in.


"Not a chance in Hell, Lindsay." The brunette growled, sounding very much like Hank as she got in between the Detective and her husband.

"Oh, come on, Benson." She rolled her eyes. "I just want to-"

Her AU Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now