Until Your Feet Leave the Ground

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*At the 21st Police District*

Ana walked towards the front desk with Kelly right behind and a smile appeared on her face at the sight of her Godmother standing behind it.

"Trudy Platt." She called, making the older woman look up from her paperwork.

"Hey, you." The Desk Sergeant grinned, rounding the piece of furniture to give her a hug. "Come here."

"So, what did my Dad do this time?" The Captain inquired, jokingly, as they seperated.

"Nothing yet. But the reason I called you down here, a guy claiming to be a fireman dropped your husband's name on a DUI and I wanted to make sure he wasn't lying before I booked him." Trudy nodded towards a wooden bench sitting just outside of small Office area that was actually kind of similar to Hank's. "You know him?"

Kelly looked over to see the hand-cuffed figure of Dave Bloom staring back at him with a hopeful gaze.

"Yeah." He muttered, turning back to the older woman. "Anyone hurt?"

"Nah, just veered off into a ditch." She shook her head.

"Thanks." The Lieutenant murmured, walking over to the obviously inebriated man.

"Uh, he was a firefighter back in Denver and we rescued him on a call a few weeks back. That's also when we found out he was on oxycodone due to an injury he sustained on the job." Ana explained, quietly.

"And Severide felt he had an obligation to help him out." Trudy guessed, recieving a nod of confirmation in return.

"Hey, is there any way we can let this slide?" Kelly wondered, coming back a few seconds later. "He's just looking for another shot here. He's just had a tough go at it lately."

"So you're vouching for him?" The Desk Sergeant observed.

"Yes, I'm vouching for him." The Lieutenant answered after glancing back at Bloom one last time.

"I'll see what I can do." She offered, heading back behind the desk.

"Thanks, Trudy." Ana smiled.

"Appreciate it. I owe you one." Kelly nodded, turning to Bloom again.

"No you don't." The Desk Sergeant corrected, making both firefighters look back at her in suprise. "You make Ana happy. It's all I could ask for." She gave a small shrug. "You keep doing that and you'll never owe me a thing."

"Um. . ." The Lieutenant stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, so beat it. I got work to do." Trudy grumbled, slipping on a pair of glasses.

Kelly just shook his head and glanced over at Bloom.

"You sit tight." He practically ordered.

"All right." The intoxicated man mumbled.

As the Lieutenant began to leave the District he quickly realized his wife wasn't with him and turned back to see her staring off into the distance with a sort of mischievous glint in her eye.

"Hey, you coming?" Kelly inquired, softly, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, just one sec." Ana called, rushing back over to the desk. "Hey, Trudy."

"Yeah, what's up, Honey?" She wondered.

"Would you be willing to date a firefighter by any chance?" The brunette suddenly asked out of seemingly nowhere.

"I'd say I'm open to the possibility, yeah." The Desk Sergeant nodded, quickly growing suspicious of her Goddaughter's questioning. "Why?"

"Gotta go. Thanks, Trudy, bye!" Ana waved, racing back over to her husband.

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