A Dark Day

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A/N This is a two part crossover that begins with Fire's above titled episode and ends with PD's "8:30pm."

Please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*At Lakeshore Memorial*

The companies of Firehouse 51 all arrived on scene and were instantly greeted with the sight of nothing but pure chaos. There were victims everywhere. Some were injured while others were bodies on the ground. There was debris everywhere and a few cars were even turned upside down, but the most disconcerting thing was the giant gaping whole in the side of the hospital.

"Chief! Ana!" The voice of Matthew Casey called as he rushed towards his two commanding officers, having already been on the location due to a charity event he was helping out with. "Big explosion, no idea of the cause.'

"Ar you okay?" Ana inquired, immediately concerned for her best friend's well-being.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He waved her off before pointing at something off in the distance. "Triage in that tent. ER took it hard."

"All right, people are gonna be trapped up on those higher floors." Herrmann reasoned at the same time Otis raced over and handed Matt his turnout gear.

"Okay, you, Otis, and Mouch, get the aerial moving." The Captain ordered.

"On it." Hermann nodded, rushing off with the previously named men in tow.

"Exterior oxygen and fuel tanks are on the other side of the building. This couldn't have been an accident." Chief pointed out, grimly.

"A bomb?" Matt guessed with wide eyes.

The older man just gave him a short nod in response.

"The structure's unstable." He muttered, turning back to the blond upon suddenly realizing something. "Where's Dawson?"

"Oh, God." The Truck Lieutenant breathed out in horror, looking up at the demolished building. "She went inside."

"Dawson's in there?" Kelly asked in disbelief.

"I think so." Matt muttered.

"We'll get her." The Squad Lieutenant assured.

"Go!" Chief urged.

"Let's go." The blond commanded.

"Cruz, Mills, stay back!" Ana called, looking mainly at the former candidate. "You did bomb-tech training for your Squad classes, right?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Tell us what you think." The Captain gestured at the destruction before them.

"Car bombing." Peter sighed. "It looks just like Oklahoma City."

"Exactly what I thought." She murmured.

"Okay, so what do we know?" Chief wondered. "If there's one car bomb, there's probably a second."

"We're on it." Joe clapped him on the shoulder.

"Yeah." Peter agreed.

"Go." The older man urged.

They rushed off and Ana looked over her shoulder just as more companies from other Firehouses started rolling in.

"Chief, I can take over command of 51 if you wanna focus on directing the new arrivals." The Captain offered.

The older man gave her a grateful nod in return. He glanced off to his right and began walking over upon seeing the Deputy District Chief heading in his direction.

Her AU Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now