Amaro's One-Eighty

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A/N If you've seen this SVU Epsiode then you probably already know why I'm including it. If you haven't, I highly recommend that you do before continuing on.

Without further ado, please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*At Olivia Benson's Apartment: In Manhattan, New York*

Ana walked up to the door with a wide smile on her face and gently knocked on it. The wooden entrance swung open and she was greeted by the sight of her mother with the rest of the SVU Squad behind her.

"Well, well, well, what a surprise." Fin smirked, teasingly.

He was ignored, for the most part, though.

"Hey, Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" Olivia inquired, bringing her daughter in for a hug despite her confusion.

As far as she was aware, the younger woman should have been back in Chicago fighting fires.

"I called her." Donald admitted, making the elder Benson pull back and look at him in shock. "The second I learned of your promotion."

"Of course, I'd come out to congratulate you, Mom." Ana grinned.

Olivia just smiled back at her in return. Amanda walked over and handed the firefighter a glass of wine just as Donald turned to address the small crowd.

"And now that everyone is here, I'd like you all to listen up for a moment. All right, now, come on. I know that everybody's been worried about all the changes at 1PP." He began. "The new mayor has his agenda, but we don't make the rules. We follow them."

"Is this a toast or a memorial?" Fin interrupted, jokingly, getting a few chuckles for his efforts.

"And the good news is that so many people are leaving the department because of these changes that 1PP can't spare a new sergeant for our unit. So they have agreed to let detective- I mean Sergeant-" The Police Captain corrected, raising a glass of his own non-alcoholic beverage. ". . .Benson stay on at SVU."

Everyone congratulated her and clinked their drinks together before taking a sip.

"I'm so happy for you, Mom." Ana murmured, feeling the older woman wrap an arm around her in a side hug.

"Thank you, Baby." She smiled, ignoring the mysterious stinging in her eyes.

*A Little While Later*

Ana had been napping in the room Olivia always kept prepared for her when she suddenly shot up in bed, wide awake. Not knowing what had awoken her and sensing that something wasn't quite right, the brunette wandered into the hall and found her mother attaching her side-arm holster to her belt.

"Mom? What's wrong?" The firefighter wondered.

"Oh, hey, Sweetheart. I didn't mean to wake you. I, uh, Nick was involved in a shooting so. . ." The older woman trailed off, knowing the younger would get the gist of it.

"I'm coming with you." Ana decided, firmly, leaving no room for discussion as she ducked back into her room to grab a jacket.

Olivia just sighed and rolled her eyes, fondly.

*On The Scene: A Few Minutes Later*

The mother-daughter duo met up with Fin and Donald and they all began pushing their way through the large crowd that had formed. They burst free from it just as the Detective they were looking for stumbled out of the building.

"Nick, Nick!" Olivia called, rushing forwards with everyone else right behind her. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah." He nodded, holding his coat open. "Blood's not mine."

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