1. Encyclopaedia Of The Middle Realm

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The encyclopaedia of the middle-realm

Two thousand, nine hundred and fifty fourth year of the third moon

The legend.

The realm is led by the legend of the first king of fairies, and his life work embedded into a crystal known as the 'blue teardrop crystal'. The legend exists in the book of crystals, pages one, two and three. The legend is known to all.

"When the moon hits its closest distance to the world, on the 200th day of the 2999th year, the goddess shall open her palm to resurrect the crystal of all crystals into the hands of all kinds.

The finder of the crystal shall take it from the hands of the goddess in stone, and hold it within their heart by swallowing it whole.

On the first day of the three thousandth year, the crystal will leave the finder's heart and choose its keeper, where it will settle until the keeper's death, and unleash unimaginable power into the hands of the keeper.

Then, and only then, can the count of the years start over from the year 0 (a new moon begins), and the keeper of the teardrop crystal may keep peace until the day of the keeper's death.

If the crystal does not find a finder or a keeper, it will unleash its powers to the world in the form of three thousand great storms and floods, for the next three thousand years.

Such are the rules of the three realms."

Powers of the middle realm

As of the two thousand nine hundred and fifty fourth year.

Traditionally there are two forms and sources of power in the world.

Dark power, characterized by the red glow of a user's eyes and black dust, which has given the power its name, is the first kind. It comes from the lower realm, and is used by demons, and goblins.

Divine powers, characterized by the golden glow of a user's eyes and golden dust, which has given the power its name, is the second kind. It comes from the higher realm and is used by angels, and fairies.

And a third form of power does exist, despite not being included in the previous moon's encyclopaedias. The blue power, characterized by a blue glow in the user's eyes and a blue dust, is the third and final power. It comes from the middle-realm and is not used by anyone, except for the one person who wields the magic of the blue teardrop crystal. It is an unfamiliar power which is not well recorded and not well known to anyone.

The topography of the middle realm

As of the two thousand nine hundred and fifty fourth year.

As of the two thousand nine hundred and fifty fourth year

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