45. In the forest

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"What's in the carriage?"

The guard in front of them does not look as naive as Chepi had hoped him to be. They are standing in front of the gates of the fairy kingdom capital, ready to leave in the most obvious, and yet most hidden way possible.

"Empty boxes. I've delivered everything to the royal storage."

Evangeline is sitting on top of a wagon, a horse pulling it forward. She is hidden by a cloak, covering most of her body except for her head, hands and legs. Her wings, most of her angelic appearance and built body is pretty much covered from the guard by the gate, but not too much to raise suspicion. There are fifteen guards by the ground floor of the gate alone, each one monitoring something else as Evangeline and the wagon approached him by the questioning booth of the gates. If they get caught, they are done for.

Chepi and Anemone are cramped up inside the wagon, hidden by a piece of fabric drawn over it and nothing else. They have to stay completely still, or they'll be found out. They can't see what's going on outside, but they can tell by the sudden drawn out silence that the guard is becoming suspicious. Chepi curses under her breath. She knew that they should've put a hat on her or something. Her eyes definitely look angel-like.

"Are you even a fairy?"

Chepi freezes, and she can feel Anemone do the same. Evangeline is the only one who could lead the carriage and not stay hidden. This was their only way of escaping. Evangeline would pretend to be a merchant driving the wagon out, while Chepi and Anemone would hide inside of it. Chepi can't be the one outside, because the entire palace is looking for her right now, and she'd be found out in a second. Anemone can't do it because her demonic look and energy would be caught in a second. But Evangeline is an angel, the closest thing that there is to a fairy aside from an actual fairy. She was their closest bet.

"You will let us through."

Evangeline's sudden command can only be one thing. She is manipulating him. Anemone closes her eyes and sighs, frustrated. They agreed that they'd only do the manipulation thing if things really went south. The thing about manipulation is that it can only be done to one person at a time, because you have to look them in the eyes. The other guards around this one guard could notice and put a stop to it immediately, exposing them all. They hold their breaths inside the wagon.


"What is going on over here?"

The sound of another guard makes Chepi feel panicked. She grabs Anemone's hand and doesn't let go. She really doesn't want to be found out. She really, really doesn't want to meet her father, and she really really doesn't want to know what he'll do to Evangeline and Anemone when he realises who they are and why they are here. She closes her eyes, too, and prays for an answer. Evangeline sounds calm, and determined, continuing with her manipulation.

"You will let us through."

While their targeted guard stays silent, finally getting affected by Evangeline's powers, the other guard seems to be getting closer and more frustrated.

"Excuse me?"

Their targeted guard finally crumbles mumbling out a quiet: "I will let you through.", mimicking Evangeline's words. Anemone sighs out in relief, and that makes Chepi feel a little bit better, too. The other guard is right next to their wagon now, sounding suspicious.

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