39. Having fun

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"Get me a doctor, now!"

Dieq should've known something was off the moment the eyes of the guards widened when he walked past them, into the capital of his kingdom and down to the palace. The way people stared and whispered, the way they looked fearful, if not excited when he walked by. In a way that was rather different from before. Or maybe, he should've known it from the way they addressed him. No longer his highness, rather his majesty.

But he didn't know. He couldn't have. Not when he was supporting a nearly completely passed-out and fatally exhausted Eang by his side, forcing him to take those last steps through the wide corridors of the goblin palace. Servants and guards rushed around them as he led Eang to the nearest meeting room. They had rode their horses for a whole day, without taking a single break, needing to get here as quickly as possible. Eang's wounds could only be suppressed by Dieq's makeshift bandages and natural remedies for a few hours. Dieq could not let Eang die.

"Your Majesty!"

Guards and servants look at him with wide eyes when he passes by, but he doesn't look back. He gets into the nearest room as quickly as he can, with Eang hanging on him with minimal to no strength left in him.

Coincidentally, the meeting room is the same one he first met Nayan in. The mere thought of it sends a wave of anger over him, but there is nothing much he can do about it. Eang has held on for so long, being as strong as he is. But he can't do that forever. Dieq sets him down on the meeting room table. Eang tries to say something, but it comes out as an incoherent mumble and Dieq is forced to ignore him.

"Your Majesty!"

There is a rush of footsteps behind him. Guards run up to them, to him, and bow. Their eyes are full of that same fear he saw in the cave city outside the palace walls. Fear, nervousness, excitement. Through his panicked mind, Dieq can't understand what they mean. All he does understand is that Eang is dying and a doctor isn't here. A doctor isn't here yet, despite him yelling for it just moments ago. The goblin turns back around to face the lying Eang, ignoring the crowd of people behind him.

"I asked you to get him a doctor!" He yells out, panicked, fading off into anger. Why is the doctor taking so long? Where is she? Eang needs help now! He's going to bleed out! His wounds-

"Welcome back, your Majesty."

The familiar voice cut his thoughts in half.

It is the same voice he hears every week. The same doctor he's had at the palace ever since his father collapsed into his disease. But this time, the familiar voice finally makes him understand what they are saying. The doctor reminds him of it. The one thing that is always in the back of his mind, even in a moment like this one. He frowns, turning around to face her calm face.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The doctor bows down.

"I shall do my best to be of service, King Dieq."


Dieq feels as if his heart has stopped beating, for a moment. King Dieq. No longer crown prince. No longer prince regent. No longer forced to hold meetings and sessions in random meeting rooms. No longer forced to meet guests without being able to sit on the throne. No longer having to wait, feel as if stuck in time. No longer having to hold on to his father, a man he once loved, but a man who feels as if died years ago, and has been left to rot in his own bedchamber.

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