34. Constructive

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"Do it then, if you must."

Eang's voice is calm and deep. He has no problem with this, it seems, facing the sword against his throat like it's the smallest obstacle he's ever faced. Evangeline looks calm, too. She breathes at a normal peace, her chest barely rising and falling. Her gaze is harsh and stone cold, not giving room for weakness. Her grip is unfaltering, not shaking in the very least. She is able to hold her sword right by the goblin's throat without a struggle, and Eang faces that skill with a face of bravery.

He won't die a coward.

"What are you waiting for?"

They've fought for longer than he expected them to. He managed to stand his guard even when Nayan suddenly disappeared, using the storm and the chaos to defend himself against the angel's deadly attacks. He didn't manage to sneak in many of his own counter attacks, but he did manage to come out alive. This far. And holding your own against an archangel for as long as he has done is already an impressive feat on its own, considering that it takes sheer discipline and hard work to reach such a skill.

It was an honourable last battle. He'll die a hero, if anyone comes out alive to tell the tale.

When Chepi disappeared into the snowstorm of the Heaven mountain pass, Eang first assumed that she had hid somewhere. Then, when Nayan disappeared and it became all too clear that he and Dieq were probably going to lose, reality set in. Not just for him, but for all of them. They could've kept fighting, perhaps to the death, but without Chepi here there really is nothing to gain from it.

Eang thought they were going to end the fight without any winners or losers. Then, Evangeline managed to injure his left leg, arm and more importantly, his side, in impressive succession. Her sword pierced his skin and dug in deeper, making him feel nauseous in a numb way.

Now, he kneels injured on the snowy and ice cold ground, the angel's sword against his throat, ready to die. And because of it, he has forced Dieq to give in, resulting in a screeching halt to the crown prince's fight against Anemone.

The only reason Evangeline is waiting is because angels don't kill people in cold blood. They give them a moment to breathe, usually. A moment to gather their dignity. Eang knows that, he's been a soldier since birth. So he keeps his head held up high and approaches his own death without dread.

The only one feeling dread is Dieq. Despite attempting to control his expression, his eyes are wide with horror. He keeps his sword pointed at Anemone, as the demon points a sword at him. Taking a huge risk, Dieq turns around to face Evangeline instead of Anemone.

"Chepi is already gone. You won't gain anything from cutting his throat."

He tries to sound calm and not too desperate, but his voice has an edge to it that they can all hear. Eang refuses to look him in the eyes, knowing that it will break the walls that he has built around himself. He'll start to fear for his life if he has to gaze at the thing he's going to lose.

Now that he's thinking about it, the walls start to crumble. The goblin feels prickling anger over Nayan, wondering if things might've been different if the fairy prince would've stayed and helped. Another part of him tries to kill that anger and feeling of betrayal by reminding him that Nayan is still the crown prince of another kingdom. That he has no obligation to any of them, and didn't have any obligation from the beginning.

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