4. Demon

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Anemone looks around herself, at the empty forest that is suddenly standing in front of her.

"I guess angels really are as weak as I thought" she says, her voice echoing in the open air. The angel standing in front of her looks like nothing but a white shadow. A statue, perhaps. Something she'd see in the long, cold and empty hallways of the Demonic fortress. Unmoving, face unchanging, movements stuck in a frozen picture, as if captured by time.

This forest really is an enchanted one. It's like someone is singing, deeply, softly in their ears. Somewhere in the background she can hear this enchanting siren song, coming from the large amount of blue dust in the air. It's not divine powers or dark powers, it's almost completely made up of the rare blue power dust that only exists in the middle realm, and even so only in the most holy of circumstances.

Anemone doesn't even understand what has happened. Years and years of training to get to this point, and it all slips away from her hands like sand falling between the cracks. One second there is a large cloud of dark powers everywhere, some kind of goblin trick, and the next the fairy is gone, along with the shining blue teardrop crystal that she swallowed. And all Anemone can do is stare at the angel in front of her, who was holding that same, small fairy just a few seconds ago.

Anemone is certain that if she had been the one to hold the fairy, the whole situation would be completely different. Instead, the angel held the fairy, and the angel let go. The demon can't help the snap of her tongue.

The angel turns around, suddenly, after several long seconds of silence. "I don't have time for this". Her voice is deep and laced with subconscious frustration. There is a look of bewilderment in her wide eyes, and Anemone quickly understands that she too, is having a hard time settling into this situation. The angel flaps her wings, once, twice, and Anemone is quickly confused. Why isn't she chasing the fairy? Actually, why are neither of them chasing the fairy? Anemone feels like a statue, frozen in time, unable to move or think properly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her face is twisted into a frown, one of her black swords pointed vaguely in the angel's direction. The angel stops in her tracks and lets her gaze fall onto the black-haired demon, who stares back with a raised eyebrow. She gets even more confused when the angel scoffs under her breath. Nothing makes sense. Her brain feels like fuzz.

"I guess demons don't really know anything about their own weapons? This is a goblin potion, full of dark powers that create confusion in your brain. That fairy is long gone-" The angel pauses, frowns, and then sighs. "Fuck, it's getting to me, too. Why am I even talking to this low demon?"

Anemone raises an eyebrow. Now, the sword that is pointed towards the angel is much more precise. She takes a step forward. "Watch what you say, angel. I've probably been a leader far longer than you've been one of those pathetic, egoistical archangels"

Demon's aren't just chosen to be leaders. They become leaders after gaining enough strength and support, they have to work for it, too. Anemone has worked towards it since she opened her eyes. She gained leader status at 16.

The angel rolls her eyes and ignores the sword. She takes a step closer, her feet dragging against the fresh green moss beneath them. "We are the same age, are we not, leader Anemone? You've trained since birth, I've trained since birth. The only difference is that I'm the one who's going to get that crystal, and once I've done that you'll be the first demon I slaughter"

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