6. An Angel's Wrath

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"Your Grace! You have returned!"

Footsteps scurry in different directions. Feet tap against the marble flooring. Hushed voices echo everywhere, too scared to speak any louder. A soft wind blows through the open-air hallway, coming from both directions, spinning around the poles that hold up the marble roof above them. A tall, white-winged creature scowls in distaste and doesn't even bother turning around to face the joyous angel. She walks nearly too fast for the shorter to catch up.

"I have. Prepare a bath"

They walk into the white-estate, through a pair of large, tall wooden doors and past a couple of bowing guards. Here the click of the marble against their shoes is even louder, echoing against the high and rather empty walls of the fancy, castle-like building. She's beginning to have a headache. Headaches are not nice for angels like her. She is too high up. A headache will sour everyone's mood, along with her own. They walk through the hallways at a rapid pace, with her in the lead, and five servants scurrying behind her.

"Of course, your Grace. Prepare a bath for the archangel!"

The four angels behind the shorter angel nod. "yes ma'am" They singsong in chorus, rushing past the shorter angel and the archangel to prepare the water in time for her arrival. Their white wings flap wildly for more speed to their rush. The archangel rolls her eyes, holds onto her pained head and keeps walking. The guards standing by the next wooden doors bow, and once again she walks past them with nothing but a nod and a grimace. "Juno, give me something for a headache. I can feel it coming"

The angel behind her scurries to catch up. She smiles politely and bows while they continue walking at a fast pace. "Yes, your Grace. I will prepare a herbal mix for you right away"

The taller angel nods with a small frown, and turns to the left in the empty, marble hallway. There are rows and rows of tall windows with white curtains, white marble hallways that stretch on for ages and rooms and rooms full of empty salons. The archangel simply doesn't know what to do with all of this space. She's a mighty archangel with divine powers reached after years and years of work and training. The castle is a bonus that comes with the job, and sadly it is a bonus that she really doesn't need. Walking through all these long hallways full of echoes and nothing more is a bother, not a gift.

The servant angel seems to notice her sour mood. She is usually sour, cold and angry, but today it's even more than usual.

"Did the hunt for the crystal not go well, your Grace?"

The archangel keeps walking, her mind occupied by the happenings in the forest down below the higher realm. Here everything is peaceful, quiet and regular, as always. The servants could never know what's going on down there, because they have always been up here. But down in the middle realm she has just fought with a demon over that crystal, and now it lays in the hand of a thieving fairy, soon to be in the claws of that new goblin prince. It could not get any more complicated than this, and yet somehow everything up here in the higher realm is just as she left it.

"Your Grace?"

It's like she has left a world of chaos and carousels, just in a second. From noise to silence. Strong colour and maximalism in the forest, to light pastels and large, empty corridors up here. The quick change of atmosphere is giving her a headache, and she can't tell if it is the middle realm or the higher realm that is the cause of the pain.

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