48. Sworn in blood

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They are gathered around the meeting room table, under the darkness of the cave city's palace. It's a beautiful room. Portraits of old kings on each wall, a large wooden table in the middle with chairs laced with velvet. Dieq at one end of the table, Nayan at the other. Eang is the only other one present. He looks between them, standing on one side of the table with a piece of paper in hand, a knife in the other.

"Are you ready?"

After receiving two small but stern nods, he nods too. He turns to the fairy crown prince first, paper in hand. Under the flickering purple and yellow light of the room, he sets the paper down on the table in front of the prince. Nayan picks up a pen from the side of the table, a beautiful feather pen with a golden edge. Eang reaches over with the knife. It has a sharp black blade, clearly old but well taken care of.

"Sign with the royal blood you have inherited."

With that, Eang drags the knife over the upside of his lower arm. Although a surface wound, it draws a good amount of blood. Nayan dips the edge of the pen into his own blood, and then quickly moves it towards the piece of paper. He signs his name on the second lowest line. It's a beautiful signature, and once he has finished he lays the pen in a plate of water and salt.

"May this blood never be used again." He whispers, and Eang nods, taking the paper from him. The goblin walks over to the other side of the table and puts the paper down. "Sign with the royal blood you have inherited." He says, and Dieq reaches out the upside of his lower arm to mimic what Nayan did earlier. He draws blood, places his pen into the wound, and then writes his signature on the lowest line on the paper.

Now finished, Dieq puts his pen in a plate of water and salt and mumbles the same, "May this blood never be used again.", before Eang takes the document and returns to his place by the side of the table. There, he sets the document down.

"This is an agreement between two kings in blood. May the bloodline of the one who breaks this agreement suffer, and may the bloodline of those who keep it prosper."

With that, Eang is about to reach for the potion on the middle of the table, but he is suddenly stopped by a hand on his shoulder. Dieq is standing next to him, and Nayan is on his other side. Confused, he looks between them. They need to finish the potion and the spell, do they not? A document signed in blood. Dieq gives him a firm but kind look, and it only confuses him more. That's when a sudden pain hits him.

He gasps, pulling his arm away from Nayan's grip. On his other side, Nayan is standing with the knife in his hand. The fairy shakes his head with a frown, and pulls his hand back. Eang startles when Dieq gives him a pen, a pen he has never seen before, in his other hand.

"Don't think we are pressuring you." Dieq says, calm but firm. Nayan rolls his eyes. "Except we kind of are."

Eang looks down at the document. He waits a second, and then a second more. Taking a shaky breath, not really knowing why he is doing this or how or why he is just letting them make him make this huge decision in just a second but before he knows it he is putting his pen in his wound and then placing it on the paper, writing his name.

Signing it with his own blood, while Dieq mumbles. "Sign with the-" the goblin king pauses, drawing some blood from his own recent wound and dropping it on the piece of paper, right by Eang's signature. "-royal blood you have inherited." Eang looks at them, his breath shaky. He lays the pen in Nayan's plate of water and salt, and he can't even recognise his own voice with the words that he says. "May this blood never be used again."

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