9. A Little Big Trickster

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"Don't scream, little fairy. That guard will hear you"

Chepi quickly struggles against the hand that is keeping her mouth shut, forcing herself not to be paralysed by fear. The demon is completely unfazed. She pulls the fairy to her chest with a terrifying ease.

"Oh wait- he's far enough now. Scream as much as you want"

Chepi can practically hear the smirk on her face, and she bites down on the intruder's hand. It's the only thing she can think of. To her horror, the demon doesn't even flinch. She hears her chuckle. Or more like feels it, her chest rumbling. Chepi recognises the scent of this demon. It surrounds her completely, from every side of her body. It's overwhelming and strong, wanting to succumb to her to the very end. This voice, this scent, this feeling. There is no doubt about it. This is the same demon who chased after her five days ago.

It seems like the demon won the chase, then, even though it was the angel who caught her first.

Chepi frowns and reaches down to the pockets of her pants, once again. She's going to have to use yet another potion to escape this time. It can't be the distraction one, because she's all out of those, but maybe a bright light- But the demon is faster. Before she can even reach down to touch any of her glass bottles, the taller creature captures her hand and forces it up, her strength unrelenting. The demon lets go of her mouth, and removes all the glass bottles from Chepi's pockets, one bottle at a time. She drops them carefully to the side, as if she has all the time in the world.

A terrifying feeling suddenly washes over the fairy. She feels like a... toy. Just a toy in her hands to play with. The demon is so strong, it's like she could do anything. Anything she wanted to.

When she struggles against the demon's grip, and then finally frees herself, Chepi know's it's because the demon has let her do so. She's completely in her hands right now. Under her mercy. And Chepi has never felt this weak before. There is always a way out for her. There is always a way for her story to continue, and yet now, it seems like there isn't anymore.

She turns around to face the demon, now free from her unrelenting hands. She backs away into the furthest wall of the room, and she has to crane her neck to meet her eyes. Chepi looks at her closer, her heart beating a million times per minute. She has dark, short hair, a tall and strong body with broad shoulders and a sword on each side of her belt. But that's not what's terrifying. Her eyes are the worst. They are deep, full of power, commanding in every way Chepi doesn't want them to be, and they are nearly impossible to look away from. Chepi tries to raise her guard even more. But she can't. She's reached her limit of focus, and yet somehow the demon can nearly sway her completely with just one look.

"You should've listened to me when I told you to drop that crystal, isn't that right?" The demon flashes her a smile and takes a threatening step forward. Chepi backs away warily. Her back meets the wall. She could scream right now, but the demon is right. Nobody would be here to hear it. There was no guard standing by the door. This demon must've knocked him out, maybe even killed him. And Eang is too far away to hear her anymore. Chepi is all on her own.

She's going to have to deal with this, all on her own.

"I don't listen to demons, Anemone"

The demon raises an eyebrow. Slowly, a smirk stretches over her face. Chepi smiles a little, out of breath, her heartbeat having her winded. She must've caught the demon off guard. Of course she knows her name. She's one of the strongest leaders in the entire demon realm, if not the strongest. And... the angel happened to blurt out her name in the blue enchanted forest. That certainly helped a lot.

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