3. A Mischievous Fairy

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What can she say? She really fucking needs that crystal, and people are just so much fun to mess with.

You could say that it was out of pure chance that she ended up here, hiding up in a tree while two of the most powerful creatures in the entire world fight to the death on the ground below. It was partially chance, yes. But not completely. Chance is luck or misfortune, and Chepi wouldn't say that she has either. She only has three things. Skills, a thirst for survival and a powerful will to mess with people. And those three things have gotten her this far, so what more could she possibly need?

The smell of the forest is thick here, for sure. It spreads into a rather perfect line of enchanted, steady noise, coming from all four corners of the wooden place. You can smell the fresh grass and moss, the blue and green trees that drop their beautiful petals to the ground, and the bright flowers that hide under branches, in bushes and behind rocks. This world is nothing less of a mystery all together. Small particles of enchantment flow around like dust in the air. Chepi has never been to a place more magical than this. Still, the smell of magic does not compare to the fairy mountain's forest. Now that is a pool of sunken magic, if you know what she means.

Chepi would say that she's already quite used to the blue enchanted forest. It's her third day here, and not even the occasional frog-burp or birdsong can startle her anymore. At night the particles of enchantment glow brightly, like blue and pink stars, illuminating the dark forest drenched in moonlight. Then the bugs are the loudest, chirping and whining from every corner, creating a steady and calm rhythm of song that easily lulls you to sleep.

During those nights it is easy to forget the great enchantment and history of this forest clinging in blue. Easy enough, to the point where she slept well and deeply when hidden up in the shadows of the first and best blue-petal tree she could find. Like a real fairy. During the day, however, the shadows are smaller and the lights shine weakly when overpowered by the sun hinting behind the trees. Chepi almost prefers the dark. Now when it's her third day, the enchanted blue garden has finally appeared, signalling her that it's time to leave.

Alas, it didn't end up being as easy as she thought it would. Taking the blue teardrop crystal before anyone else could even find the golden gates, that was her plan. It's only now that she realises how naive that plan really was, as she hides up in a tree and stares at the two supernaturals fighting each other so fast, you can't even see their swords moving in the air. Of course other creatures would come looking for it, as soon as possible. Chepi knew that before she even stepped foot into this forest. But the fact that they would get here as fast as she did, baffles her beyond comparison. Nobody is ever faster than she is.

But these two are. One angel, and one demon. Chepi considers herself lucky that she heard them speak before she could stupidly reveal herself by the golden gates. These two do not look like the kind you want to mess with, without a clear plan. The angel is clearly high ranking, with a great amount of divine power. The demon is both the opposite, and the same, full of dark power that rises up from her body when she fights like smoke from a fire. Both have such cold and endless eyes, it's like staring into the heart of her father. Empty, terrifying and full of power.

It doesn't matter, though. Chepi can't afford to turn back now. It's not like the blue teardrop crystal is for her. Chepi has dealt with similar people before. All she needs is a good plan, and a reminder of how good she really is at messing with others.

So, she takes her chances and finds an opening in their fighting, when the two creatures up in the air are too distracted by each other to notice anything else. Their fighting is beautifully violent. It's loud whenever their swords meet, like thunder cracking in the sky. But otherwise it's silent and smooth, almost like they're not fighting at all. Sparks of divine and dark metal crash into each other and create some sort of small firework-show, exploding around the two.

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