58. Epilogue

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Dieq and Chepi snap their heads toward the door, where a demon and an angel rush inside, all panicked. Dieq rolls his eyes and stands up from his chair by her bedside. "I thought I told you two to go to sleep."

"How can I not wake up when she is awake?" Anemone mutters, like it's obvious. She was already upset at having to leave Chepi's side. Knowing her luck, Chepi would wake up in her absence. And of course it happened. Anemone just knows these things. She is extremely annoyed with Dieq that he let it happen in the first place.

"Move." Despite him being a king, he is pushed aside by a ferocious demon who sits down on Chepi's bedside, rather than on the chair. Evangeline is calmer. Her expression is stone cold as she sits down on the chair Dieq was previously sitting on, and doesn't waste a second before setting her eyes on Chepi. Dieq sighs, deciding not to argue. He leaves the room just as Anemone almost angrily grabs Chepi's face and brings her in closer, squishing her cheeks.

"Never do this again."

Chepi laughs, pushing away from Anemone's grip as lightly as she can. She is self conscious about her powers, not wanting to hurt her while doing it. But her laughter remains. "What? Swallow the crystal?"

Anemone nods, as serious as ever.

"That. Don't do that again. You could've died and if you die then we die. Everything dies." Her complete seriousness and belief in her ridiculous words makes Evangeline add a small, "Figuratively." To the end, her voice as monotone as always. Chepi can do nothing but roll her eyes. They are being ridiculous.

Sure, she could've died and then pretty much everything would've died if she hadn't managed to swallow the crystal in time, but that was several days ago. They've had several days to think this through and stop worrying about it. Knowing them, they'll overdramatise everything. Even when they kidnapped her they couldn't just work through their differences and work together from the beginning. No, they just had to try and fight to the death first.

Chepi huffs, but then she smiles. There is a sense of teasing pride to her tone when she speaks, changing the topic.

"Are you upset now that I'm stronger than you two?"

She has no idea how adorable she sounds to the two of them, even if she is completely right about being stronger. Anemone almost laughs, but she tries to keep it down a little, knowing that she might get pouty otherwise. "Oh don't get too confident. You might be stronger but you're still just as short." Evangeline nods, adding a small, "Still a little fairy."

Anemone takes the opportunity to kiss her lips, just because she is already so close. But one kiss isn't enough, and before she knows it she feels compelled to kiss her again. This time it's slower, more desperate. It's been days since she saw Chepi awake last, and weeks since she was her normal, mischievous and adorable self. Having her back feels like a thousand fireworks have been set off in her stomach.

Evangeline grabs Chepi's face and breaks her away from Anemone's kiss, exactly thirty seconds into it. She kisses her before the fairy has had any time to breathe, and Chepi whines into her mouth. Her kiss is equally as desperate but with that classic angel calm that only Evangeline can hold in a moment like this. Breaking free from the kiss, Chepi's lips are a little swollen and her cheeks are red, her eyes wide.

"Whatever." Chepi's mumbled words earn a knowing look between Evangeline and Anemone. Then, before she can say anything else, the two creatures who have been awake for a week straight climb into the bed and slam their heads down onto the mattress.

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