10. A Turn Of Events

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The world is a blur around her. A cloud of blue smoke surrounds her completely, blocking her vision from anything that might exist outside of it. She feels detached from her body, like a part of her is on one side of the world, while the other is on the other side. She's separated, pulled into two different directions, and her head is spinning so fast she might be standing upside down. Nothing exists, nothing makes sense, she's completely lost and this is exactly why she doesn't use teleportation potions.

They aren't necessarily dangerous, not as far as people know. But they are incredibly creepy. The first time Chepi used one she vowed to never use one again. And yet here she is, feeling the same detached feeling that she felt back then. Surrounded by this blue haze that completely changes the way she feels about herself, her body divided in two. Maybe it feels worse because the teardrop crystal is inside of her. Chepi doesn't know. Either way, it sure does feel worse this time.

Time blurs into one single circle. Chepi has no idea if she's going back in time or forwards, she has no idea how long it's been since that stupid demon threw the teleportation potion to their feet.

So, when she finally settles into one physical place instead of two, and the world stops spinning, Chepi is completely disoriented. She realises that her eyes are closed several minutes after settling in, too busy trying to remember how to breathe to be able to do it beforehand.

"Do fairies usually take such a long time to wake up?"

That snaps her eyes open, maybe a bit too fast. The first thing that meets her is the blinding sun, somewhat hidden by the leaves of the green trees above. It's warm, incredibly warm and Chepi feels disoriented by the light. Teleporting from the darkness of a cave city to the brightness of the summery outside was not a very good idea. It takes a while for her eyes to get used to the light. She feels soft grass under her back, tickling her skin. It urges her to sit up.

The moment she realises what the demon has said, annoyance pumps through her veins. She squints past the light, and looks to the side, where the silhouette of the demon who kidnapped her moves under the burning sun.

"Are all demons assholes, or is it just you?"

She hears the demon chuckle in response, moving like a shadow above her. Chepi licks her dry lips and tries to move around, all her limbs feeling sore and stiff. She looks down at her hands the moment she realises that she can't move them as well as the other parts of her body. There are ropes, tight ropes, wrapped around both of her wrists. Chepi rolls her eyes. She follows the rope to see where it leads, only to find it attached to a small tree nearby.

"Since you're awake, we better get moving. I thought about carrying you, but-... that just sounds highly unnecessary. You have a pair of legs of your own, don't you?"

Anemone is dragging a smooth rock across her sword, again and again. Sparks of enchanted metal splash to the sides, landing on the forest floor below and burning small, individual pieces of grass. Chepi stares at Anemone for a while, almost as if she was hypnotised by the repetitive movement. She completely ignores the demon's words in the process. The sound of rock hitting metal reminds her of home.

Chepi snaps out of it when Anemone stops. While the demon flips her sword around to sharpen the other side, too, the fairy focuses her attention on her hands instead. Now that she is no longer controlled by the demon, her mind feels much clearer than before. She twists and turns her hands as much as she can, smiling a bit to herself. It's like a puzzle. She loves puzzles. Chepi glances up at Anemone. She's busy with her sword.

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