7. A Cup Of Tea

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The trumpets sound in a melodious, clear greeting, as the archangel steps on the red carpet of the large, royal throne-room. Her wings spread from side to side, large, white and majestic. She is in her usual white dress and heavy, golden armour, and her blonde hair is tied sharply in a ponytail behind her head. Her shoes sound heavy and intimidating against the floor, despite the thick carpet, as she approaches the king seated on his throne.

There are large wooden poles painted in pink standing in a row on each side of the room, with plants growing around them, twirling and slithering around the rock. The floor is made from wood but covered in an orange carpet, and the walls are covered by several silks in orange, white and pink, so that the wood underneath would not be too visible. Behind the king's wooden throne there is nothing but the open air, The leaves of a large tree seen fluttering with the wind. The ceiling is high, but you can see the second floor of the castle in a balcony-style form of architecture.

This is typical for the fairy kingdom and its capital. Everything is built in the trees, and built out of either leaf material or wood. They like to place colour into their lives by using fabric and occasionally a thick, plant-based paint, but otherwise it is all wood. They are good with the material too, creating small sculptures and decorations into the smallest of things, like door-handles, window-frames, walls, ceilings and furniture. Everything is built so that it connects to the trees outside, and the open air, as fairies fly in and out of the city high up in the leaves.

Despite being an archangel, Evangeline has only been here once before, when she had to introduce herself to the fairy king and his family. Just like on that day a few years back, King Novus is seated on his throne, and his eldest son and heir crown prince Nayan and his wife queen Magnolia sit on each side of him. The archangel bows lightly with her head, but does not bother to smile or say anything. She is in an equally high position as they are, if not higher. It would be rather dumb to bow too low.

The crown prince Nayan smiles in her direction, remembering her from the battles they have fought alongside each other in the third war. He has light-pink hair that falls over his forehead, cat-like eyes and a sharp jaw, and he is quite tall in height despite being a fairy. He resembles his father, with the pink colour of his hair and the shape of his eyes, while the queen Magnolia is an orange-haired fairy with a hint of pink, and rounder, wider eyes.

"Archangel Evangeline of the higher realm, you have come to my court. May I know the reason?" The king's voice is loud and powerful. Evangeline looks as monotonous and serious as always. "The higher realm is in search of a fairy. We wonder if your majesty might know this young individual". She snaps her fingers rather quickly, making a young, white-winged angel that has followed her here rush forwards with a medium-sized, white glass bottle. The king watches her as she does so, his voice holding a hint of amusement and superiority.

"And who is the fairy you are looking for? Our kingdom is vast, we have millions of fairies. Certainly we would not know of this person just by name"

Evangeline feels a small smile tug at her lips. She scoffs under her breath, not heard all the way up to the king's throne, and throws the glass bottle to the ground. It crashes into a thousand pieces when it lands against the wooden, carpeted floors, and causes the royals and the fairy guards around them to startle at the loud sound. A thick, golden dust escapes the bottle and twirls around the broken pieces of glass, until they suddenly rise up into the air in a steady fog and create a picture for the king to see. There, in a large picture formed by golden dust, is the face of the fairy thief, big and clear. Her eyes glow in orange, her face is twisted into a small grin and her hair is flying messily around her face. Evangeline watches looks of shock spread in the throne room.

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