22. Turmoil

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"So, when did you fight in the war?"

Eang glares at the forest in front of him. Dieq's voice echoes behind him. Dieq's stupid, friendly voice. And Nayan answers him, equally as friendly and seductive as that stupid fairy is.

"Recently, actually. I took a year with Miriam- my sister, when Cherelle ran away, then one more year without her. Have you served on the demon side?"

Eang rolls his eyes. They say it so simply, as if they haven't served on opposite sides of an ongoing war.

Everything hurts. His arm hurts, his legs hurt, his feet hurt, his thighs hurt, his hands hurt and most importantly, his head hurts. Tiredness weighs down on his eyelids and makes him that much more irritable. The rain that pours down on their necks is heavy and so, so cold. It sits on him like a wet blanket, his mood so sour he could make lemonade with it, and his skin shivering despite the years of training that he has gone through to prevent himself from reacting so childishly against a little bit of weather.

"I served for about six months, but then my father fell ill and I pretty much inherited the throne. I was planning on serving for a longer time, though. Demons tend to underestimate goblins so much. I just wanted to show them what I was capable of." Dieq says, sounding a little embarrassed, but also quite happy. Eang hates it. Nayan and Dieq are riding side by side, while he is riding alone in front of them. They have gotten along oh so well during these past two or three days. They keep talking about themselves, growing closer to one another, not even minding the rain or the mud or the irritating coldness. None of that seems to matter to them, and Eang hates it.

"I was young and dumb, I know." Dieq continues. Eang rolls his eyes, knowing that they can't see him. "Before I knew it I had all these political things going on, including Chepi and running the country..., trying to find the crystal... you already know. It was hard to think about anything else. Thankfully I've been training and fighting my own guards to stay in good health."

They have barely slept, barely eaten and even when they rest, the rain is falling down so heavily that it's impossible to stay comfortable for even one second. For the past three days they've been riding down this same forest path, seeing the same trees and the same river and the same stupid rain. His clothes have not been dry once. Not a single time. His throat hurts and a cough is building up somewhere in his chest, pressed down thanks to years of stone cold discipline.

But you know how rain can erode hard marble? Yeah, that's what he feels like right now. His personality is as hard as a rock, but the rain is still eroding it all down as if he were made out of sugar.

"I might just do the same once I inherit the throne." Nayan says, appreciating Dieq's work as a crown prince active on the throne, down right admiring his enemy. Eang rolls his eyes again. He just can't help it. He feels the anger prick at his skin, the annoyance bubble under every fibre of his body. He just can't keep it down. It's too much. Even his horse starts to make noises, frustrated with his elevated heartbeat and harsh movements on the saddle.

Dieq turns to Nayan. "Are you planning on doing that very soon?"

Nayan scoffs.

"What, inherit the throne?"

"Yes, that."

They get along so well, don't they? It's because they have so much in common. Eang tightens his grip around the saddle strings, breathing in deeply through his nose. They are both crown princes, having gone through a similar military upbringing with the same tasks and expectations, learning the same languages and sciences that are expected of a prince of their status. They are both considered tall and strong in their respective kingdoms, and handsome and popular among the people. They both shine as brightly as the sun. All while, of course, Eang is just a shadow among the two of them. The guard. The one who rides up front and doesn't talk.

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