25. A bucket of water

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It's been yet another day since Chepi left, and she has counted two and a half days total.

Her running has paid off, and she has switched to walking. The road in front of her is long and tiring, and behind her it is as empty as in the middle of a desert. She has no angel to worry about, and no demon either. Here, she is alone, as she has been for the past two days and a half. Day and night she journeys past the swaying trees and bee-crowded bushes and flowers, next to the flowing river that leads east towards the capital.

It's lonely, but it's not her first time. The hunger in her stomach is familiar, and so is the ache in her legs and the thirst in her mouth, as dry as the unforgiving heat of the summer. She feels like collapsing, falling right down onto the ground and finally sleeping. But realistically, she knows that she has to keep walking. The fate of the entire world lies in the balance, if you can believe it.

If she falls asleep now, she might sleep long enough for the archangel or the demon leader to find her again. There is no alarm clock or travelling buddy next to her who could wake her up in time. So, instead of sleeping she is forced to walk and walk and walk until she eventually, and hopefully not, collapses. Eating is limited to the berries, fruits and mushrooms that she can find on the way. Chepi is an expert at plants. Goblins usually are and she has learned from them well. It's not hard to find the right berry to put in her mouth. But it is hard to feel energised and full thanks to it.

Chepi is planning on walking along this road for one more day. Then, she'll go into the forest and hide herself, sleep for as long as she needs, and wake up feeling refreshed. Once her energy is back she'll be able to fly up and observe the situation from the sky. Then, she'll know exactly where she needs to go and where the closest village is, just in case she'd be in a desperate need of some real food. Going to the capital can't take far too long after that. She'll just find a good wagon that she could jump up on, or a nice river to sail upon all the way to the cave city capital doors. Life will be easy. As long as she makes it through this one harsh part.

Chepi stares up at the road in front of her, covered by trees on both sides, and the river right next to the trees on her right side. There is a sharp turn right in front of her, the road curving to the side along with  the river's movements. Beyond the sharp turn in the road, the way should continue straight for at least an hour or so. The river rarely folds or curves. Chepi finds it amusing when she does indeed have to turn, and can no longer see what is right in front of her. The large trees surrounding the road and by extension, the river, have leaves so long that they reach all the way down to the ground.

That's when she hears it. The unmistakable sound of horse hooves, stomping and clopping against a rocky sand road.

At first, it makes her freeze up.

Then, the gears in her head start to turn. Eyes full of blue crystal, a kingdom in complete turmoil over the blue crystal. Everything... everything must stay hidden. And so, once she has finished her two seconds of quick thinking, Chepi reaches out and pulls the hood of her cape over her head and her face, as far as it can go. It'll hide her wings, it'll hide her face, it'll hide her hair and it'll hide her eyes. That's all she needs, just in case there might be yet another potential kidnapper coming her way.

Then, she turns to walk on the very side of the road and keeps her head low, not wanting to be seen or noticed in any meaningful capacity.

This road is mostly empty, a river road that leads to the fairy kingdom, a road not often taken. Passage to the fairy kingdom is strictly forbidden on both sides. There aren't many major villages that this road ultimately leads to either, just a few nymph villages and a few private homes. The road was built mostly out of military need, which is why it is wide, well kept and therefore easy for horses to ride on. Anyone walking here would raise a small hint of suspicion and interest, Chepi knows that. She's just trying to lower that suspicion to the utmost minimum.

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