18. Yet another failed plan

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"It's been days since he left"

The queen can't help but sound desperate. As much as she doesn't really care all that much about her children, her oldest son is important for many different reasons.

"Don't be emotional. He's an adult that can come and go as he pleases"

But the king hates his son as much as he hates his youngest daughter. He hates most of his children. He just does. There is something sick and twisted in his brain that causes him to hate them all. There is just this sense of duty inside of him that has kept him from disowning them. They are still royal children. He isn't a regular father. Plus, Nayan is reliable, even though the king often tends to tell him otherwise. Sometimes he leaves on duties, and like a good son he doesn't bother telling them about it, but he always returns.

The queen doesn't think so. He's never been given for this long without them knowing why.

"This time is different. His sister is-"


The king likes one child, and that is his eldest daughter. She looks like his late mother, and out of respect for her he cannot dare to hate her lookalike. The queen, on the other hand, likes Miriam because she resembles her. Out of all of her children, Miriam is the one who has her eyes and her hair colour. But it's not Miriam who she is talking about.

"No, Cherelle-" The kings face falls at the mention of his other daughter. A traitor since birth., Probably not even his own daughter. That's what he's always thought. The bitterness inside of him has him thinking. She doesn't look like him, even though her hair is pink like his. She is definitely not his child. And he hates her for it. A traitor is what she is and what she continues to be. After leaving their kingdom, he has not had any interest in her whatsoever.

"Cherelle is the finder of the teardrop crystal. He must've gone after her once he found out"

"I don't care. Let him search for her and come back once he realises how fruitless it is"

The king doesn't care. He really doesn't. The fact that Nayan went after Cherelle in the first place is already insulting. But the queen has that certain twinkle in her eye. The kind of look that she only has when they are closed in their bedchamber, hidden away from all watchful eyes and ears. She is thinking, and whenever she thinks, it's always about power.

"But think about it husband, just think about it"


Novus snaps. Not because he is angry with her, but because he is annoyed since he knows that whatever she says, she'll be right. Like she always is.

"What if we could have the crystal for our kingdom?" The queen's suggestion is quiet. Hesitant. But it echoes in the bedchamber. "Cherelle is still our daughter...? If we join the chase we'd have a pretty big chance of gaining the power for ourselves"

"And betray the angel kingdom's trust? Are you crazy?"

The king hates that he is already convinced, even though he knows how many things could stand in their way. More power? Yes please. "They wouldn't have to know. We'll cover it all up if it doensn't work" The queen always knows exactly what to say. The king smiles, leaning over.

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