17. Self sufficient

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"Your majesty, my deepest condolences. If our city had known about your arrival-"

Dieq puts his hand up, stopping the goblin in front of him from continuing. He shakes his head.

"Governor, you should know to call me highness, not majesty"

Clouds have begun to cover the sky. They are dark and scary, enough to have most of the people scurrying away from the market and back into their homes. It will certainly rain soon, but rain is not the only thing expected from these dark clouds. Lightning could come too. Terrible rain and thunderstorms always come during the months before the blue moon, according to historical texts and ancient legends. But they are inside, thankfully, so the rain will not bother them just yet.

"Of course, your highness. I misspoke"

Dieq scoffs, a smile on his face. He looks down at the governor in front of him, an older goblin woman who clearly knows better than to misspeak like that. Especially in front of a regent like him. Dieq knows what they think of him, what they all think of him. He is, and has been, the real king of this kingdom for years now. Still, he won't make people around him call him majesty just yet. That's just wrong. "That's quite alright, governor. Now, about this fairy we are looking for...?"

After things got messy because of Nayan, Dieq had to reveal himself as the crown prince in front of the entire city. Although he had originally planned that they'd travel undercover and search each city and forest by themselves, things turned out differently. They are now forced to turn to traditional methods. He, as prince, must ask the governor of this city, this old goblin lady, about fairy-sightings. Dieq honestly isn't expecting much. They've already spent too much time in this city. Chepi could already be miles away, if not in the complete opposite direction of where they have gone.

"Yes, yes of course your highness. We have spent all afternoon asking around and although I was certain that we could find something for you, I'm sorry to say that-"


The doors of the city hall open with a loud bang, startling the people inside. Sitting around a table in the middle of the room, Eang and Nayan who had previously been sitting quietly turn around to face the commotion. They see a guard rush inside, followed by a group of other guards. They stop, suddenly, and bow to the prince. Dieq looks bewildered, but he nods anyway, accepting their bow of respect. The guards can barely breathe with how fast they rushed over. They scurry towards the prince and the governor across the wooden floor, dragging a young boy with them. He looks frightened, perhaps a little reluctant. Dieq frowns.

"Your highness-" They bow to him again and then turn to the governor. "Governor, witnesses say they saw this boy talking to a fairy just this morning. We believe he could be of some use"

They throw the boy harshly and he lands right by the prince's feet. Dieq imagines that he must've caused a lot of trouble and resistance on the way here for them to be so aggressive towards him. The boy scrambles to get up and Dieq can see how his eyes immediately grow large and scared by the sight of the crown prince standing above him. Dieq raises an eyebrow.

"Well then, child. Speak if you have something to say"

Nayan stands up from his seated position, his curiosity peaking. Could this goblin boy really have seen Chepi today? Could they be on the right path after all? Maybe travelling with these two stupid, idiotic goblins was actually worth it! To his disappointment, however, the boy seems to glue his mouth shut and shake his head, despite fearing the intimidating prince above him. Dieq tilts his head, confused. How could this boy stand in front of his crown prince, the most powerful man in the entire kingdom, and still deny him an answer? What's wrong with this kid...?

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