8. A Terrible Surprise

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"Your highness, her royal highness Princess Cherelle wishes to see you"

Chepi would sit in the trees above and around her mothers royal pavilion, as quiet as she could possibly be. The sweet scent of the tea in the queen's cup would rise up in the air, and she'd savour the smell with a careful longing.

Sneaking up there, was never a problem. Cherelle has always been good at sneaking, at stealing, at being quiet. Sometimes she feels so invisible she thinks she could just walk into the treasury and steal the crystal crown without anybody noticing her for a single moment. The guards let her do whatever she wants, because she's a princess. Spying on her mother from the trees of the fairy palace is no big deal for someone like her. She's done it so many times before.

"Send her away"

And every time she'd ask a servant of her mother to request an audience, and every single time she'd listen to her mothers rejection. Why? Chepi doesn't know. It might've been a slither of hope that snuck into her head every time she woke up in the morning. Maybe today she'll say yes. Maybe today they'll pay attention to me. Maybe today they'll like me. But what's more likely is that after fifteen years of the same rejection, she was starting to crave it. The anger and hurt that came every time became addictive. She wanted to feel like her anger was justified, she needed the confirmation no matter how many times she's been reminded of it.

Reminded of the fact that somehow, both her parents hate her, and she doesn't know why.

"I'd rather meet a goblin than that ungrateful brat"

But this time it was different. Sitting up in that tree, smelling her mother's sweet, fruity tea, listening to her obnoxious words and hating her all the more. On that day, her mother took it one step further.

She'd rather spend time with the enemy, than she would with her own child.

And it was so sick, so obnoxious, so careless, so evil that Chepi didn't know how to react. There was no sorrow or hurt like usual. She didn't even feel angry. All she could think about was how she was somehow compared to the goblins, the enemies of her family, and lost. And after fifteen years of rejection, that was the final push she needed.

Chepi doesn't remember having felt angry in that moment, but truth to be told, she was probably so blinded by rage that she forgot everything. The only thing that kept popping up in her mind was her invisibleness. The idea that she could walk into the treasury, steal the crystal crown and leave the kingdom with it in her bag without getting caught.

Because if her mother loved goblins more than her own daughter, then Chepi could very well become one of them instead.

"I apologise, honoured fairy. I am under strict orders. You are not allowed to leave your chamber"

Chepi has this bad habit of wanting to do something when she's told not to. The more forbidden the thing, the more lucrative it is.

She's probably not the only one who feels this way. There must be so many others who have a childish tendency for always attempting the forbidden. Chepi, however, blames her quick fingers and troublesome habits on the simple 'attention-seeking' crave that she has. The crave that comes when you don't receive enough attention as a child. Or, to be more specific, to attention you crave after being starved of attention as a child. Still, she feels no guilt as she stares up at the guards with innocent, wide eyes, her irises having blue shining rings around them. She's going to escape this place as soon as he lowers his guard. Even if it's just for a moment.

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