Page nine: Blue power and the teardrop crystal

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The encyclopaedia of the middle-realm

Two thousandth, nine hundredth and fifty fourth year of the third moon

Blue power

Blue power originates from the middle realm. It exists deep beneath the ground in the original soil of the realm.

According to old legend, cited by scholar Sedina of the fairy kingdom, the blue powered soil used to be on the very top layer of the ground during the times of the first angel and demon settlers arriving to the middle realm. Back then it was much more powerful and existed around them in every day life, affecting the drinking water and the produce that they ate.

The first angel and demon settlers of the middle realm were most likely evolved, or rather mutated, by this blue power. The demons are said to have grown shorter and lost their wings, as the blue power was poisonous for them. The angels had a similar negative effect, growing shorter and losing some of their core ability, however according to scholar Sedina, the angels were not nearly as harshly affected as the demons were. The reasons for this are said to have been that the angels kept a close contact with the higher realm for generations, not losing their supply of divine powers as the demons are believed to have lost their supply of dark powers for a few hundred years.

Blue powers sank deep into the soil as new ground slowly replaced the old one. The mutations stopped right then and there.

After one and a half moon, the mutations formed the two species we know today, goblins and fairies. The fairies were superior to the goblins, as they could both fly and had close contact with the higher realm. They were able to use divine powers as magic, in spells. How they managed to reach such an ability is still wildly debated today. Scholars believe that the first angel settlers in the middle realm must've been able to use the blue power, which is known for being able to easily form into spells, before turning to divine powers and using the same techniques after the blue power ran into the ground.

Because of their dominant abilities, the fairies remained in almost complete control of the middle realm until the second war between angels and demons, while the goblins were mostly in hiding or lived in small, hidden settlements.

Blue power has a few traits that makes it different from divine or dark powers. It comes from the original soil of the middle realm, which is now buried deep beneath the ground, unlike the dark and divine powers which exists inside rock. Therefore, the power can not be turned into weapons, however once exposed to air it creates a large amount of blue enchantment particles, which can mutate living beings, like how some trees are coloured blue, and the fairies and goblins came to be.

Blue power is also widely believed to be perfect for moulding into spells. It is incredibly powerful, and with large amounts of it, a person is powered beyond compare. This is where the blue teardrop crystal comes in.

The blue teardrop crystal

The teardrop crystal is a blue, small crystal in the shape of a teardrop, made out of pure and heavily concentrated liquid blue power, inside a shell made out of eternal ice. Blue power has an incredibly high melting point, so the blue power liquid inside of the eternal ice shell is said to be hotter than any other thing in the three realms. Because of this, swallowing the teardrop crystal gives both burns from the cold shell, and the warm inner parts of the crystal.

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