Room 'mates' | Nat

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Nat pov

"Hey, Love. I'm home, " I playfully say. Seeing y/n in the kitchen seems like designing pastries and stuff

I grabbed one...I haven't slept in more than 20 hours and haven't eaten a thing. "Nat stop, those aren't for you," she cutely complained

"Too late, Can I have one more?"

"Stop it, I'll just give you some of the ones that I haven't designed yet,"

"Wow, leftover for your wife? Who are those for even and why are they more important than me?" I continued chewing, sitting down at the counter to watch

"I'm...seeing someone," she smiled, making me stop eating


"Yeah, and uhm...I'm planning on inviting her over tonight. Please be on your best behavior and stop calling yourself my wife even just for one night. "

"Yeah, no problem." I gave her a smile

We've been living together in this apartment for about 3 years now, and this is the first time she's bringing someone over...I'm just protective of her, nothing more

"Do they taste good? I feel like I put too much sugar. "

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts

"The cupcakes"

"They're perfect, uh...I'll go and take a shower and probably drop dead on my bed... Have a good day ahead, ok?" I stood up, stretching and not finishing the cupcake

"Sweat dreams, Natty," she shouted while I walked away, making me chuckle

You know, in work, you're this cool uptight agent, everyone calling you by your last name for formality, and when you come home, it's suddenly natty

I don't know why, but I feel kind of heavy, and I can't sleep for no reason... but I have to, I'm currently on the night shift, and I need it


I woke up before my alarm, as usual. I took a shower, fixed myself, and as soon as I checked the fridge, my wife, who's not my wife, left me some food to reheat

"Make sure to eat before going to work. I also already prepared your food for later, stop eating canned foods when I'm not looking. I'll be back before the morning. Love you natty nuts. " I read the note, putting a smile on my lips

"So stupid." I shook my head. The food was already in a microwave-safe container, so all I had to do was push some buttons and boil some water since she also premixed my coffee the way I liked it

After eating, I grabbed the other food she made for later and went to work. "Nice lunchbox." Clint greeted me, making me roll my's Barbie's pink

"I'm not gonna share my sushi with you," I argued sarcastically

We did some papers and watched over everywhere, which was honestly boring. Love that there are no crimes, but it's just making the time feel so slow

Usually, tho, I just texted y/n since she has a very unhealthy sleeping schedule but she wasn't responding... This is gonna be a long ass night


I came home, and it was already 7 am "I'm home-" I cut myself pouting, seeing her sleeping on the living room couch

I sat in front of her on the floor, tapping her forehead annoyingly, and waking her up. "What are you doing in my room? Get out" she groaned

"You're in the living room, get up,"

"W-What?" She touches her head while I help her sit down

"Did you drink? You smell like beer. " I sat beside her while she was trying to get her soul back

'I remember we were with her friends and they were drinking and she told me to at least drink some and then a blonde girl forced me to take these candies and then I felt dizzy"

"You took weed????" I scoffed

"Oh, that's why it tasted funny," she innocently says before breathing out heavily

"Are you ok?" I softly asked

"They made fun of my cupcakes. They said they're too cute and look like they're for a toddler's birthday,"

I feel so bad, I know she worked hard for those and for these high people to make fun of her...better hide right now or I'll shove all those shits on their fucking esophagus

"I love your cupcakes" I shrugged trying to cheer her up

I remembered something tho, I grabbed my lunchbox getting these burritos that I bought..."what is that?" She suddenly chuckled seeing the foil all deformed

"Heyy, the lunchbox was small for these giant burritos" I also started laughing

We just sat there with our burritos eating our tiredness out "I loved the sushi" I mumbled "You better, those took me an hour...did you see the panda ones? I made those with the seaweed" She cutely says

"Can we agree on something?"


"Don't drink again when you know you can't or when no one is there to watch over you. Stop taking random candies"

"I'm sorry" she looked down

"It's fine, no need to apologize. Are you still gonna go out with that girl?"

"Well, she's inviting me over tonight again"

"Please don't go?"

"I won't, I felt like such an outcast the whole night. I don't even know how I came home"

"Go eat your burrito, take a shower then go to sleep ok? Take some rest"

After we ate she did what I said and as soon as she slept I sneaked into her room searching her phone for the address.

I might have packed some of my unregistered guns with me and went there
"Arms up!" I barged in aiming my gun at them as they started freaking out that I had enough distraction to plant the guns

"You're under arrest" I Huffed

"FOR WHAT??!? WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??!" One girl freaked out

"Illegal possession of Firearms. Sit on that couch and wait for my back up or I'll shoot" I warned

I called back up and before they came I saw this blonde girl y/n was talking about "Where are your edibles?" I asked her and they did give me packs of them

"Who was the one that forced a girl that you are with last night to take these?" I clenched my jaw

They all pointed at her...I opened a new pack putting as much on my palm before forcing my way shoving them into her mouth "Do not dare even talk to her again. Do you all hear me?? DO YOU HEAR ME??"

"Y-Yes ma'am" they all stuttered

The backup then came and I told everything to them that I got this lead that they had illegal weapons and was taking drugs.

After everything, I came home and y/n was already up "Hey, I told you to rest" I pouted

"You were not in your room so I thought you were called for a mission and you're probably hungry" she muttered plating some food for me

"Thank you" I smiled sitting down

"You know the girl I was talking about texted me saying she needed me to bail her out of jail. She didn't say anything else tho" she suddenly says

"Are you going to?" I played innocent

"Hmm, no. I'm not wasting my money. " She shook her head

"So proud," I playfully say, earning her laughs as she sits beside me

"You did it?" She softly asked

"Depends...If you're gonna get mad, no. If not, then I probably did"

She just kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder. "You don't need to do that, but thank you for being honest," She simply says

"You should make me some of those cupcakes one of these days"

"You really like them?"

"Yes, best cupcakes ever. I love my cupcakes sweet and soft" I smiled to myself

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