Room 'mates' pt 2 | Nat

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Nat pov

I stirred awake, feeling someone crawling on me before using my bicep as a pillow to snuggle. "What are you doing?" I sigh in a raspy, sleepy voice seeing y/n

"I can't sleep. My bear and bolster are still drying..."

"You still can't sleep without hugging whatever, huh?" I shake my head, chuckling, earning her nod before wrapping my arms around her

"Thank god you're cute,"

"Thank you, God," she mumbled

"Good girl," I teased

"You're making this weird," she pouted, looking up at me

"I'm sorry." I nodded, trying to stop from smiling


I woke up again, not feeling her anymore in my arms. I was worried. It was still dark outside. I walked past her room, and the door was open. She was on the balcony

"Y/n?" I mumbled while she quickly reacted. It seemed like she was wiping her tears


"Are you ok?" I walked closer to her, sitting in front

"Yeah...just overthinking" she chuckled

"About what?" I softly asked, making myself tea as there were already teabags and a pot on the table

"I don't know, e-everybody around me just seemed to get their lives together...getting married, having a family, and y'know being successful...and I'm here doing whatever." She forced a smile

"Well, nobody knows what will happen  tomorrow or even in the next minute,"

"I know... I know that I will be somebody someday. I just don't know how, and I'-I feel like I'm behind everyone. " She started getting emotional, making me sigh

I moved my seat beside her, wiping her tears by the sleeve of my sweater before cupping her face "Look at're somebody're already a somebody" I smiled staring directly at her eyes

She pouted, frowning before dropping herself on me and pulling me in a hug " you..." I closed my eyes, kissing her forehead

"I l-love you too," she suddenly says


"Hmm... thank you for being a sister and a best friend to me," She mumbled, making my heart drop, but my emotions were not important right now

"I'm hungry," she swiftly got off of me, wiping her nose

"You want me to cook?"

"You? That's a change of place. "

"Heyy" I complained, watching her laugh, her cheeks shining against the light

"Oh god, please not." I woke up with speakers blasting a happy birthday song like a party one

As soon as I came out of my room, y/n was already there party hat and everything holding a cake already lit up. "Happy birthday!!" She excitedly greeted 

"3rd year of telling you not to celebrate my birthday." I laughed at her

"Shhh, I cooked your favorites, so just make a wish and blow."

I closed my eyes and couldn't stop myself from smiling, wishing for something or maybe someone before blowing out the candles "Thankyou" I gave her a wide smile

"Happy birthday, natty nuts. Love you always, " she pouted, giving me a hug

We went to the kitchen and she wasn't kidding, it's like a whole feast out here "I wanted to serve you breakfast in bed you locked your room so I figured I'd just wake you up violently with speakers" She chuckled giving me a plate

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