Masai 126

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After going back to Carter's and taking a quick shower and grabbing some clothes, I was back at Lennox's apartment wondering how I should approach this situation... Should I be pissed that this nigga robbed me? Or should I go with my head, heart, and dick which were all telling me to laugh the situation off because in hindsight it was kinda funny. We walked in and Lennox took the bag into his bedroom before walking back at and staring at me, for the longest time he didn't speak he just stared... then smiled.... seconds later he was standing in the middle of the living room, his pants around his ankles, and my mouth wrapped around most of his dick... Call me crazy, but that shyt he pulled earlier was sexy as fuck to me... like it showed me a different side to Lennox that I knew existed but he hid because he wasn't trying to get caught up in the 'street life' but that side of him was always there and seeing it first hand..... Lennox pulled his dick from my mouth and lifted it up, I knew what he wanted and I had no problem running my tongue across his balls before taking them in my mouth. Without uttering a single word, Lennox demanded eye contact; slowly he placed the tip of his dick to my lips and brushed it across my tongue... he did it again and again, before pushing the entire thing in my mouth and just standing there looking down at me.

"Oh shyt... ohh fuck..... Hssssss fuck.... Damn nigga...shyt....." Lennox moaned, as I stated that shyt he pulled made my dick hard and my sex drive was boiling at a cellular level. "Yo chill...." Lennox moaned in a helpless voice. "Hold'up... you hear that?" Lennox asked as the sound of dudes arguing got closer and closer.

"NIGGA IT'S YOUR FUCKIN FAULT!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO POST THAT SHYT ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA BUT YOU DON'T FUCKIN LISTEN!!!!" Fredo yelled as he reached Lennox's door, I looked at Lennox who was already fixing his clothes just as Fredo started banging on the door. "LENNOX OPEN THE DOOR!!!" Fredo yelled, Lennox looked at me and I shrugged, his apartment... he was free to do whatever he wanted.

"Man what are y'all doing here?" Lennox said looking at the Three Stooges as they made their way into Lennox's apartment.

"I need to fuckin smoke..." Fredo said sitting on the couch, ManMan stood off to the side crying silently, while Quez looked around discreetly. "This nigga got fuckin robbed." Fredo said pointing to ManMan and I couldn't help but laugh which seemed to get Quez's attention.

"Damn that's fucked up..." Lennox said shaking his head. "What happened?" Lennox asked and Fredo gave him a play-by-play of what happened, to his credit he didn't lie or exaggerate the story to make it seem like they stood firm.

"Where were you tonight Masai?" Quez asked and I sat there looking.

"Is that the question you really wanna ask me?" I countered looking into his eyes. "I was at Black's, which is where me and Lennox linked... don't believe me? Ask one of the twenty dudes that were in there tonight.... Matter of fact why are you talking to me in the first place? I don't fuck with any of y'all if we're being honest and I have no sympathy for what happened." I said looking at all three.

"Sai' I know you're pissed about what happened... but we're boy, can't we just move past it?" Fredo asked and if it weren't for the tone of his voice I'd think this nigga was crazy but I'd been around Fredo long enough to know he was plotting something.

"Y'all niggas fucked my mom..." I said flatly. "That in and of itself requires me to beat the fuck out of all three of y'all... but I'm trying this new thing where I don't let my anger get the best of me, I let karma handle it."

"I didn't fuck your mom... these niggas did, I just recorded it." Quez said like that was any better. "You were at Black's the WHOLE day?" Quez asked and I really wasn't feeling this nigga asking me questions, maybe I was being paranoid but Quez was smarter than the other two which made me more cautious around him.

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