Chapter 1: Secrets????

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*Rachel's POV*

My eighteenth birthday is this Saturday and I am going to throw a big party that no one will ever forget!!! That's right! I'm inviting everyone. Like, the whole school!

Everyone knows me. I'm part of the popular clique at school. Actually, I'm the most popular one. In movies, usually the populars are mean, snobby, and they think they're better than everyone, but I'm actually nice and kind....well at least I think I am.

I do pay attention to the unfortunate. I'm not like those witches who bully them. I mean, it's not their fault they are like that. My daddy just owns a big business. If I could, I would give them some of my money, but I am not allowed to share my money with anybody else but my friends.

I'm pretty sure all popular girls in movies have boyfriends, but sadly, I'm boyfriendless.... if that's even a word.... Well, it's not sad for me anyways, but it is for my friends.

I don't believe in the whole falling in love situation. Most guys only want my money and not my heart. Guys are just big assholes. They just like to play you and break your heart.

I've actually only been in one relationship, and that was one of the most biggest mistakes in my life. And trust me, after that mistake, I am done with boys.....

Right now, I am sitting on my bed, in my room. Me and my bestie, Evelyn, were coming up with ideas for my party. The party is going to be the party of the century. At least that's what I am hoping.

"Do you want a DJ or a live band?" Evelyn asked as she was searching on my computer on the desk in front of her. She was sitting at my desk and I was laying across my bed to face her.

I pondered the question for a minute or two. A live band sounds good, but they sound better on the radio than in person. And I really want this to be an amazing party.

"Um... I'll have to go with DJ." I said as she nodded and searched for DJs in this area. "And get a high professional for this job. Like I said, I want this to be an amazing party!" I reminded her as applied some EOS that was laying on my nightstand. It was Lemon Drop flavored, one of my favorites.

I am a total girly girl. I am no good at sports and I love to wear dresses. I may be spoiled, but I do work. I'm not a spoiled daddy's rich girl or a brat. I do get what I want, but I wouldn't mind working for it.

Most people say my life is perfect and simple, but they are wrong. My life is not that easy. It's complicated and hard. Oh well, it's my life and I should be thankful for it.

At least my parents actually get to spend time with me. Usually in movies, when they are rich, the parents rarely spend time with their kids, but at least my parents do.

I have another sibling. She is younger than me, way younger. Her name is Ellie, and she is 5. She is sooooo totes cute, and she is really nice too! I love her to bits!

"Okay, so we got all the decorations and all that, we just need to pick out our outfits. The theme is like a Neon theme." Evelyn chimed as she stood up from the chair.

I totally forgot about our outfits, and that is the most important part of this whole thing anyways. I have to look good at my own party. I know how selfish that sounded, but I do care about what I look like.

"It's on Saturday night and it's Sunday right now. I guess we'll have to go to the mall, how about......Wednesday?" she asked as she picked up her sweater. I nodded in agreement and gave her a smile. "I guess I'll see ya tomorrow?"

I got off the bed and lead her down the stairs. "Ya, I'll see you tomorrow." We gave each other a quick hug and she went out the door. I walked out onto the porch and waved as she climbed into her car and drove off.

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