Chapter 15: I Really Miss Him

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*Rachel's POV*

"W-What do y-you want from me?" I stuttered, staring up at the guys standing in front of me.

There were about 7 of them. The guy who scratched me standing in the middle.

"What are Rogues...?" I asked.

"Rogues are werewolves that do not belong in a pack. They are dangerous and cruel." Dawn answered, fear clearly in her tone.

The middle one smirked at me and came walking up to me. Thank God he decided to put on some clothes.

He knelt down and caressed my cheek. I quickly moved my face away from his touch.

A low growl escaped his lips. Black swirled into his grey eyes along with some red. He clutched my neck into his hand.

I lost all my breath, and I was trying my hardest not to lose air in my throat.

"Alpha, we need her alive." One of the guys behind him spoke up.

Alpha? Shit. He must be the leader of the rogues.

He suddenly let go of my neck and snapped his head in the direction of the guy. He stood up abruptly.

It only took him two steps before he was right in front of the guy.

He leaned in close to his face. "Don't tell me what to do." His voice was so deep and raspy, it sent chills through my body it was so scary.

Before we could even blink, he snapped his head. The guy fell to the ground unconscious.

I gasped. I tried getting up but it was no use. My shoulder was hurting like hell.

He turned back to face me. "He's right. I can't kill you." He whispered, a smirk playing on his lips.

"But I can do this."

I felt a sudden pain in my head. High pitched ringing was everywhere. I started seeing colored blotches everywhere while everything started getting blurry. Next thing I knew, everything went black.


*Zach's POV*

I stared at my reflection through the mirror. I'm wearing a red tux and red dress pants and shoes with a black tie. My hair was style the same as always.

This is it......

I'm becoming Alpha and Rachel is going to be my Luna.


She's changed me. I......I've never felt like this towards another girl. And since it's different and it feels....great, there is only one solution for my strange feelings.


That's right. I love Rachel. She's my everything. She's the other half to my soul. And she's all mine. If anything happened to her, I would literally rip my balls off and die. And if someone was to hurt her, I would murder them.

I sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed. I buried my head into my hands.

Am I really ready for this?

What is I mess up?! What if I do something to hurt her in a way and make her hate me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

My door bursted open, revealing a panicking Evelyn and a worried Jack. I rose my eyebrow at them.

"Have you seen Rachel?" Jack asked, pure worry in his tone.

"W-We can't seem to find her!" I could tell Evelyn was on the verge of crying.

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