Chapter 16: I Ache For Him

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*Rachel's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up quickly, but immediately regretted it. My head was throbbing in pain.

The floor was rock hard and cold. My cheeks were stinging from when the guy slapped my earlier.


Was it earlier? Or was it yesterday? How long have I been out?

I heard cell doors open. My head snapped up at the sound. I tried as much as I could to ignore the pain, but it was impossible.

A guy I didn't recognize from earlier came walking in. He looked about my age. He had jet black hair and emerald green eyes. I wouldn't say he's hot....... But he is attractive.

He's different compared to all of the other dicks who captured me. He didn't have scars or scratches.

He walked over to me. Since he was one of them, I quickly backed away from him.

He noticed how scared I was and quickly grabbed my wrist. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was soothing, but not as soothing as Zach's.

I didn't listen to him and pulled my wrist out of his grasp. "H-How do I-I know you're n-not gonna j-just beat me up?" I stuttered.

His face softened and a small smile appeared on his face. "Because I'm not like them." He whispered. "The name's Marco."

For some strange reason I believed him. I allowed him to help me up. He unchained me and started leading me out of the cell. "Where are we going?" I asked.

His face hardened and he frowned. "I have to take you to the pack house." He replied through gritted teeth.

"Pack house? But I thought rogues were werewolves who weren't part of a pack."

"They are. But we're different. We are rogues who formed an alliance with each other. We all live together and formed a pack, but not an official one."

I mouthed an 'o' and allowed him to lead the way. It was really quiet, but I was pretty happy about it. My head was aching and my body was hurting all over.

We walked up wooden stairs that looked as if they were going to break any second.

So apparently the cell was underground. Why am I not surprised.

There was a long corridor above the steps. It wasn't a very nice one either. It was made from wood and there were spiderwebs and mold everywhere. The smell wasn't please either.

At the end of the hallway was a cracked wooden door. He opened it and we emerged into a big room. It looked kinda like the factionless home in Insurgent.

It was a big opened area. The floor was made of cold cement and the walls were  made from this type of metal. Look like some abandon factory of some sort.

People of all ages were scattered everywhere. Children were running around while their parents talked.

Pain started soaking into my chest. These poor people. I couldn't help but feel terrible for them. Some of them got kicked out while others chose to leave. Some of them lost their homes due to their pack getting attacked. Who knows.

And I know for a fact that some of these people aren't bad at all. In fact, they're probably not as hard headed as some of the people in my pack.

I gulped as I noticed people staring at me. Some of their gazes full of curiosity while other's were sending death glares saying 'who the hell is she?' Or like 'it's not a rogue'.

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