Chapter 23: The Tradition.....

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The song is All The Right Moves by OneRepublic. Hope you guys enjoy this decently sized chapter. Sorry if it is super crappy and if the grammar sucks. Anyways!!! Later!!!


*Rachel's POV*

Right when we walked into the house, I immediately went searching for my bedroom. I am so tired and I need to take a hot bath.

Zach trailed behind me. After our conversation earlier, we haven't really spoken to each other. I shouldn't have asked that question because now it is very awkward.

He probably really wants to do it and I really do to, but I feel like I am not ready. But I know we will do it soon.

I finally find the large staircase that lead up to the second level. "Can you help me find my room?" I asked.

Zach nodded and started going up the stairs and I followed him. He walked down the hallway and took a right. We ended up at a door and he opened it for me. "Thanks." I mumbled and walked in. It was the same room as before because I noticed my suitcase lying by the bed.

He sent me a smile, but I knew it was forced. I walked up to him and stared up at his eyes. He looked down at me with a confused expression. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his face down to mine.

Our faces were only centimeters away. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

His eyes looked down at my lips for a split second, but they immediately went back to my eyes. He let out a sigh and stepped back. He went over to the bed and sat down.

I followed his actions and sat down next to him. I placed my hand on his knee and gave it a little squeeze. He tensed slightly, but it he quickly relaxed. He ran his hand through his thick, brown hair before turning to face me.

"It's the tradition we do after the ceremony." he stated.

I sent him a questioning look.

"It's the tradition that our pack does. It's been going for many centuries." he continued.

"What's the tradition...?" I asked.

"Ummmm...... well..." he cleared his throat, "The Alpha and Luna have to mate the night of the ceremony......and the Luna has to mark her mate."

I practically choked. Part of me was all tingly at the thought of us mating, but I quickly dismissed the thought when it appeared.

He shifted uncomfortably. Zach must've noticed that I was uncomfortable because he quickly stood up and faced me. "I will break the tradition if you're not ready." he grabbed my hand. "If it means making you happy, I would do anything to keep you happy."

He seems so nice and different from when I first met him. It's so weird.

I sent him a smile and stood up. "Thank you, but as future Luna, I would love to keep the tradition going." I replied. "As of now, I need to take a bath."

I started pushing him to the door. He was almost fully out the door until he put his hands out on the door frame to stop himself from going any further.

"Maybe, I uh, can join you." he sent me a smirk.

I rolled my eyes while smiling. "Sure....when you start looking half way descent."

"What do you mean? I'm super hot!" He pouted, his lower lip sticking out.

Cocky much???

I let out a laugh, giving him one last push out the door. "Keep telling yourself that."

I closed the door and locked it-just to make sure he doesn't come in. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of black sweat pants and a black tank top.

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