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The song that I put up there is the song Canon in D and it is a very peaceful song. When I listened to it, I almost fell asleep while updating :P. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the Epilogue!!!

[WARNING!] - There's a lot of scene changing in this chapter, so I hope it's not confusing!



*Rachel's POV*

I stared at my reflection in the mirror in front of me. Bright blue eyes stared back at me. The eyeliner on my eyelids and the silver, glitter eyeshadow made my eyes pop. My blonde locks were slightly curled and they fell by my face.

A peach colored lipstick was lightly applied to my lips and white studs were hanging from my earlobes. My white dress flowed down to the floor. The silky fabric hugged my waist so perfectly and see-through silky straps covered my shoulders. A ring of white roses sat on my head and a long white veil pinned to the ring flowed down my back and pooled on the floor beneath me.

A large smile appeared on my face as I took in my appearance. I can't believe I'm getting married. I kinda expected me to get married when I was at least 20, but no, I'm getting married when I'm 18. I mean I just became a legal adult. And I'm still a minor for that matter. But I can't see myself ever being with someone else. I can only picture Zach and I together.

I am blessed to have a mate like Zachary Bryant. He is the one for me and I am glad to be committed to him.

I heard a knock at the door. I turned to see who it was. Evelyn stood at the door with a wide grin. Tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks.

As she walked over to me, I took in her appearance. She was wearing an aqua blue dress that flowed to the floor. From her waist up, silver glittering rhinestones covered it. Thin, white spaghetti straps wrapped over her shoulder.

Her chocolate hair was tied up into a tight bun and white roses were threaded into it. She had eyeliner that winged out and had a layer of soft red lipstick on her lips.

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "I can't believe you're getting married, before me!" She sobbed.

I chuckled and turned to give her a hug which she gladly returned.

"I'm so happy for you. Zachary is one lucky guy." She gushed when we pulled away.

"I'm the one who's lucky." I corrected her. She just giggled in response and took my hand.

"I came here to let you know that the wedding's about to start." She informed me.

I nodded and turned to get one more glance at my appearance. "Do you think I look okay?" I asked Ev with concern and worry laced in my tone.

Evelyn grabbed my wrist. "Rachel, you look beautiful." She assured me.

"Thank you." I replied and gave her a smile.

She returned the smile before dragging me out of the room. We walked down the hall to the chapel room. I stood in front of two, very large wooden doors.

Two men stood at the doors holding the handles. When they noticed my presence, they bowed their heads and mumbled 'Luna' respectfully.

The music started playing, queuing the bridesmaids, groom's men—or whatever they're called, the maid of honor and best man, and the flower girls.

My bridesmaids were a few females who I were friends with back at school. I decided to choose them because they were a big part of my life. Zach chose the groom's men. Of course I chose Evelyn to be the Maid of honor because she's been a major part of my life and Zach chose Jack to be the best man because of the same reasons.

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