Chapter 19: All My Fault

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*Rachel's POV*

"The Black Star pack is here." he announced.

The guys grip tightened around his knife and he stood abruptly. He looked down at me. "This isn't over yet."

He kicked me in the stomach before leaving the room and locking the door behind him.

You can already hear things breaking and growling down the hallway.

Once he left, my head snapped towards Zach's direction. He was already looking at me, tears streaming down his face.

I quickly stood up. Clutching my stomach, I ran over to Zach.

"Rachel!" He cried. Tears fell from my eyes as well.

I bent down behind him and looked at the knot in the rope. It was a really tight one and it was impossible to undo it.

I looked around for something to cut it with. My eyes landed on the knife the guy had. I went over to it and picked it up.

I grabbed the rope and started cutting it. The rope loosened and it fell off his wrists. Then I began cutting the rope what was wrapped around his waist and ankles.

Once he was free, he stood up. I dropped the knife on the floor and ran into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I cried into his chest. He rubbed circles on my back with his hand and I could feel his back shake from crying.

"It's okay Rachel. You're okay." He cooed with a steady breath. His voice cracked at the end.

I titled my head up so that I could look at him. His eyes were red and puffy and his nose was also red. His lips were swollen, too. Looking at him made me feel sad. It's hard to look at a guy like him and see them cry.

He brought his face down and connected his soft lips to mine. My eyes fluttered close at his touch. His hands moved up to my face and cupped it.

Our lips moved in sync. This once wasn't like the first one. This one had a lot more meaning to it. It was full of need.

I could feel the electricity and tingles on my lips. My stomach felt weird. It felt like a million tiny butterflies fluttering around inside of it.

His lips were no longer bleeding, but I could still feel the cuts on them. My hands traveled up and down his back, lightly.

I could feel the scratches and cuts. I felt him flinch a little so I quickly pulled away.

"Sorry." I mumbled, staring at the floor.

I felt his fingers grab a hold of my chin and he titled my head up. "It's okay." He whispered.

He pecked my lips one last time before stepping back. He walked over to the door to try and open it, but it was lock.

"The door's locked." He stated, jiggling the doorknob.

"No shit." I said sarcastically.

He just shot me a glare before scanning the room. I tried thinking of different ways of getting out.

An idea popped in my head. "Maybe if we shifted into our wolves, we would become stronger." I suggested.

He looked over at me and nodded.

I started hearing his bones cracking. Fur started poking out of his sound. In seconds he was a big, black fur ball.

I haven't noticed this before but he seems to be bigger than normal wolves. I guess it's because he's going to be the alpha.

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