Chapter 6: Moment?

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*Zach's POV*

I slouched in my bed, and yawned. Ugh, school. So I've heard Rachel is having a party on Saturday for her 18th birthday. That'll be my chance to strike. I don't know if she is a werewolf or not. If she is, that'll probably be the day she will shift.

I shifted when I was 14, so I've been stuck with Panther for quite a while, since I am 18. This rest of the week, I just need to spice her up.

I slipped out of my nice, warm bed and over to my dresser. I opened up the drawer and pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans, a purple T-shirt, some black converse, and my Michael Jordan hat.

I walked into my bathroom, nothing exciting, just a normal, plain bathroom. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and placed gel in my hair. I slipped on my sunglasses and walked downstairs.

I didn't bother picking up my backpack. I didn't feel like turning in my homework. I know I said I get good grades, but sometimes I am too lazy to do my homework.

I walked into the kitchen. I sighed when I saw the note on the kitchen table. I picked it up and read it:

Hey son,
Sorry I couldn't be here this morning, I had an emergency at work. There are pre-made pancakes in the fridge and syrup in the pantry. Oh and don't forget to take your homework to school, and don't bring any girls home. I will also be gone for a week, I um.....have to go on a business trip to Japan, so yeah.....

Of course he decided that he needed to go somewhere. He is rarely home, and to be honest, I miss his company.

I balled up the note and through it in the trash can. I walked up to the fridge and pulled out an energy drink. Yes, I do refrigerate mine.

I took a sip of it and sat down at the bar. I pulled out my phone. Ugh, it is 7:00. I need to get ready to leave. Time for another day of miserable school.

At least I get to see Rachel. WAIT NO!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! it like....uh.....ya know....I can't wait to make her fall for me......

I grab my bag and walked out to my car. I climbed inside and started the car.

Once I got to school, I parked it and walked up to the school. I entered and went up to my locked.

"Hey man." I turned to face the voice. Jack leaned against the locker as I gave him a small smile.

"Sup." I said as I shoved my stuff into my locker.

"How was your date?" he asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes with a frown, "I don't like her! I'm just playing her. I don't fall in love, I make people fall in love." I reminded him.

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever you say..... Anyways, did you do the math homework that Mr. Williams assigned us?"

I shook my head "no". I was too busy doing other things besides that.

"RING!!!!!" the bell rang throughout the hallways. "Later." I muttered plainly as I walked away sharply.

I finally made it to my class. Everyone was already seated. The teacher already started teaching. I quietly opened the door and stepped in. Everyone turned to face me, I just gave them a small nod, and strode over to my seat.

"As I was saying.......We are going to work more on our Adverbs and Adjectives. But first, we are going to be rearranging our desks." Mr. Adams announced as he walked over to his desk and picked up a clip board. "This is the new seating chart. You will be in pairs of two, and will be partners for the rest of the semester, or maybe even the whole year."

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