Chapter 9: Flash Back

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*Rachel's POV*

"Daddy. You're going to be there for me, right?" I repeated for the third time.

"Yes Pumpkin, I'll be there. I promise." Daddy reassured me.

We are spending vacation in Antigua and daddy promised that he and I could spend the day at the beach. I'm suppose to meet him there because he was going out for a bit. Mommy was out with some friends, so I'm going to be at home alone.

I waited and waited for daddy to return. He's been gone for over 3 hours. It is 4:00 in the afternoon.

I walked over to the house phone and dialed daddy's number. After about 4 rings, he picked up, "Hello?" He hiccuped, sounding really drunk.

"Uh daddy, is that you?" I asked cautiously. I may be 8, but I'm pretty smart for an 8 year old.

"Who is this? Is this Patricia? Are you hyped for tonight?" He slurred.

"Uh daddy? It's me, Rachel. Are you okay? You're suppose to be back two hours ago. Remember? You promised to meet me at the beach. You didn't forget did you?" I blurted.

"Oh hey Pumpkin. I just got sidetracked." He paused for a second. I heard music in the background along with other voices. "Be there soon."

And with that, he hung up. A sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to my room.

It was a medium sized room. The walls were cyan and the floor was an off-white rug. A small twin-size bed sat in the corner of the room with a sea green bedspread. The dresser and nightstand was made from birch wood. A small flat screen tv sat on a mini coffee table by a large window, that had a perfect view of the ocean, and a small white love-seat sitting in front of it. Off in the other corner sat a birch wood desk with a small lamp sitting on it and a spinning chair by it.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out a one-piece bathing suit. This is our beach house we like to come visit during the summer.

I stripped naked and slipped on my green and blue tie-die bathing suit and a pair of green flip flops. I walked into my small bathroom and grabbed my Ariel towel.

I made my way to the back door and stepped out. Daddy suppose to be giving me surf lessons.

I finally made it down to the beach where the small shack sits. I opened it up with the pair of keys I found in the plant right next to the door. I found a small pink surf board in the corner of the shop, and pulled it out.

I slipped my flip flops off and allowed my feet to sink into the warm sand. I laid my towel on one of the beach chairs along with a small glass of lemonade I made at the small bar that's attached to the shack.

I walked over to the water and stuck my feet in the ice cold water.

I heard a car door slam shut, which caused my head to snap up. My dad went inside the house and came back out a few minutes later, wearing swim trunks.

"Let's go daddy." I cheered before starting to run in the water.

I started treading water while waiting for daddy. He came swimming up to me, but he looked a little strange. His hair was sticking up and his eyes weren't very straight.

"Are you okay?" I questioned. He nodded before sitting me up on the board.

"I'm fine." He assured me, his breath hitting my face. I coughed at his breath. It smelled weird. It smells kinda like beer and cigarettes.

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