Chapter 34: This is It

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*Rachel's POV*

The door to the room opened and in came the nurse. "Hey Luna." she flashed me a smile while walking towards the bed. "How are you feeling?"

I sat up in the bed and leaned my back against the headboard. "A little sore but that's it. I really need to shower, though. I smell like I wallowed in horse crap."

The nurse gave me a hesitant look. "I don't know. You're still pretty weak. I don't think I should let you. You're legs might collapse on you and cause more damage to your body."

I stuck my lower lip out and began to pout. "Please?"

She suppressed a sigh. "Fine. But someone has to be in there with you. I'll get a nurse to help you."

I shifted uncomfortably in the bed. "Can someone else help me? Someone I'm close with. Like Evelyn?"

"I'm sorry, hun. But your friend, Evelyn, can't help you. Her stomach has grown bigger because of her baby. It wouldn't be the best idea. Maybe I can mind-link Zach and he can help you take a bath." She suggested.

I nodded. "Okay. Thank you." The nurse gave me one last glance before leaving the room. I slid back into the warm bed and closed my eyes.

I dozed off for a little bit, but I snapped out of my trance when I heard the door open again. I opened my eyes and looked over to see who it was. Zach had his head poking inside the room. "Hey." he sent me a warm smile.

Zach has been spending a lot of time in my room. He finally decided to leave when I threatened him. He stalked over to the side of the bed. "Hi." I greeted him.

"So you want me to give you a bath?" he asked with a smirk.

My cheeks heated up and I nodded my head in response. He chuckled before snaking one arm under my legs and the other on my back. He lifted me up bridal style and began carrying be out of the room.

When he stepped out of the room, the bright light from the hallway started blinding me. I began to hiss while I squinted my eyes. The lights in my room were off because the light was giving me a headache.

He went up to the front desk to let them know that he will be taking me home for a couple hours since I'm not able to leave yet. "Ah yes. You're taking her home to give her a shower, yeah?" The lady at the front desk asked.

Zach nodded. "Yes. I'll bring her back once she is clean."

The lady nodded and began signing a few papers before handing them to me since Zach's hands were full. Once the lady dismissed us, Zach began carrying me out of the hospital and to our house. He opened the door and carried me to his room.

He sat me down on his bed and went into his bathroom to turn on the bathtub. The smell of Zach danced through my nose. I sighed in pure content. It's been so long since I've been here.

Zach came back into the room. He picked me up and carried me into the backroom and sat me down on the edge of the tub. He turned and closed the door.

He came back over to me and lightly started untying the string that held my hospital gown to my body. The gown slid off of my shoulders, leaving my chest bare. Zach paid no attention to my nakedness and continued to pull my gown down.

When my gown got taken off, I was left in my underwear. His hands lightly brushed my skin as he gripped the elastic part of my panties and gently pulled them down. Once I was fully naked, he picked me up again.

My sore body began to heat up as his hands touched my bare skin. He placed me into the tub, which I realized was filled with bubbles. The warm water began to sooth the cuts on my body. He grabbed my brush from the counter by the sink and began to brush my wild hair.

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