Chapter 12: Welcome to Your New Home

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*Rachel's POV*

"Rachel, honey?" I heard a voice calling me from down the hall.

"Yeah, mom?" I responded with a yell so that she could hear me.

"Are you almost finished packing?" she asked as she came walking in my room. I stuffed the last pair of clothes into my big suitcase, along with my makeup and hair products. I had a crate full of my shoes, beanies, and hoodies. What can I say? I'm never leaving my babies behind.

"I am now." I muttered. I'm both excited and sad to be going to the Black Stars Pack. I don't wanna leave, but, but there's nothing I can do about it.

I stood up and grabbed my bags, pulling them out of the room and down the staircase. "I'll follow you guys in my car, because there is no way I am leaving her behind."

My parents rolled their eyes at my as I placed my luggage in the trunk of my car. I climbed in the driver's seat of the car and started her up. I placed my sunglasses over my eyes and followed my parents down the road.

It was about an hour to the pack. What were people going to think of me? Were they going to hate me? Would they think I'm a spoiled, bratty, rich girl? I took a sip of my soda and glanced out the window. It looked as if we were in the middle of nowhere. It was just meadows.

We soon started driving towards mountains. The site was beautiful!! I marveled at the scene. We started going through a forest, when my phone started to ring over the car radio.

The caller ID was my mom, so I clicked the answer button on the touch screen. "Hey mom, what's up. Where are we?"

"We are about 10 minutes away from the pack. The boarder line is right up there." she answered, obviously looking straight ahead at the boarder line. We were driving on a small rocky path, which definitely isn't healthy for my babe.

"Okie dokie." I paused for a second before questions started popping in my head. "Where's Evelyn? Where's Zach? Where are we? What if they don't like me? What if-"

"Hey, Sweetie. Relax. You're going to be just fine. Zach and Evelyn are already here. Evelyn is with her family and Zach is with his father. We have a house here because we knew this day was coming." my mom assured me and I can tell she is smiling at me.

"Okay." was all I said. We finally drove over the boarder. Weird tingles shot through my body as we passed the boarder line.

"Anyways, I'm going to let you go, it is very dangerous to talk while driving, honey." My mom chuckled.

"I'm not talking on my phone. Don't you remember? I have it connected through the car's system." I reminded her.

"Oh that's right. Anyways, see you in a few honey."

"Okay, by mom." I made a kiss noise before clicking the end button on the touch screen. As soon as it ended, the radio came back on, the song Cheerleader by Omi started playing. God, I love this song.

We drove up to this gate thingy, where two tall, muscular men stood. I saw my mom get out of the car and walk up to the two men. I couldn't hear what she said but they nodded and opened the gate. My mom climbed back into the cadillac and started driving through. As I drove by, one of the guys winked at me, earning a death glare. "That's the Alpha's son's mate." the other one scolded.

I lightly chuckled at them before I completely passed them. The village was quite interesting. I didn't get to look at it for long because we went down around the went by it and then we ended up at a parking lot.

I took my keys out of the ignition, turning off the car. I slid out of the car, closing the door behind me. I walked to the back of the car, and popped the trunk opened. I pulled out my things and walked over to my parents, who were waiting patiently for me.

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