Chapter 29: Intruders on the Pack Territory

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I know this song has nothing to do with the chapter but I kept on listening to it while making this chapter. I don't know why I like it so much but it is very cache. The song in My House by Flo Rida. I'm so happy the video actually works!!!

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please also give me some suggestions on what to do. I'm having a writer's block and I have no flipping idea what to do. Now enough of me rambling, enjoy........



It's been about a couple months since Zachary and I mated. Things have been pretty smooth. Zach is being a really good alpha and mate. I would be lying if I said I didn't like being Luna.

I got to meet everyone in the pack. They're all awesome. There's quite a lot of teens from my high school and the majority of the teachers are werewolves. I've been able to attend all of the pack meeting which are pretty boring, but since I'm Luna, its my duty and responsibility to attend all of them.

Evelyn and Jack got their own house and Zach's parents moved in with my parents so that they could give us our privacy, which by the way, I am very thankful for.

I took a sip of the hot chocolate from my mug which said '#1 Luna' on it. It was a gift from one of the pack members a few weeks after the ceremony.

I was sitting on one of the stools at the island in the kitchen, scrolling through my phone, trying to find something to get my mate, my parents, his parents, and my friends for Christmas.

The weather outside is changing. It is really cold out there and all of leaves off of the trees are gone. Christmas is just around the corner. Literally. Christmas is next week and I am so hyped. We're going to have dinner here and our parents plus Evelyn's and Jack's parents are coming too.

I took another sip of my hot chocolate. The warm, chocolaty liquid slithered down my throat. Is it just me who loves the feeling of when you drink or eat something warm and you could feel your chest heat up?

I'm so weird.....

"Hey babe." Zach's voice rang from behind me. Before I could turn around and say hi, strong arms wrapped around my waist and my back hit his chest. He nuzzled my neck and planted a soft kiss on the spot where he marked me. 

When he pulled away, I quickly hid my phone so that he couldn't see what I was doing. His eyes scanned the counter where my phone was.

He gently lifted me up and sat me on his lap. "What are you doing?" he asked before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Hey!" I whined, snatching my beverage out of his grasp. He let out a chuckle and which made my lips tug up into a smile.

"I'm booooored." I let out after a long silence.

"I'm booooored." he mimicked me in a fail of a girl voice. I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Let's go do something fun." I chirp as I stood up and started pulling on his arm.

"Well, what do you wanna do? It's freakin' 30 degrees outside and might I add snowing." he pointed out. I let out an over-exaggerated sigh. He's right. Unless I want to get sick.

I walked out of the kitchen with Zach trailing behind me. When we entered the living room, I plopped down on the couch and stared at the Christmas tree that stood in the corner of the room. It was decorated with lights that changed from white to rainbow, ornaments, and to top it off, a star.

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