Chapter 25: Questions

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This awesome fan art by RandomKrafty It's awesome and beautiful!!! <3 Thank you so much!!!!

If you guys ever want to send my fan art my email is (I know it's a weird email, I created it when I was in 3rd grade)

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!! And sorry if it took me a while to update, I was busy this weekend and I have had school work.


*Rachel's POV*

My eyes slowly opened. The pain in my neck was killing me. That was when I remembered what happened last night.

I felt someone beside me. I looked down at my stomach. I saw arms wrapped around my bare stomach. Suddenly realized that I still wasn't wearing a shirt.

I rolled over to face Zach. His grip around my waist tightened and I was pulled closer to him.

A smile crawled onto my face when I saw how peaceful he was when he slept.

His lips were parted a little bit. His chest moved slowly up and down because of his peaceful sleeping.

I could've kept staring at him but one of his eyes opened and he sent me a warming smile.

"Morning, princess." He whispered. "I see you still can't get enough of me. I can't blame you because I'm awesome."

My cheeks heated up at his words, but I quickly ignored it by rolling my eyes.

I sat up but quickly regretted it. I groaned in pain and cupped the bite mark with my hand.

Zach's smile disappeared and he stared at my neck. "It still hurts?" He asked.

I nodded my head. He moved closer to me and slowly removed my hand off my neck. He lowered his head down to it.

Shivers were sent down my spine as I felt something warm and wet touch the irritated skin. I could feel his lips suck on the skin where the bite mark was.

The pain seemed to subside because of his actions. When he pulled away, I felt my face heat up as he sent me a smirk. "Better?" he asked.

I bit my lip and nodded in response.

I slid out of the bed. I let out a yawn as I stretched out my muscles. I turned to face Zach who was laying casually in his bed. His eyes weren't on my face though. I glanced down and that was when I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt.

My cheeks started to burn even more. I quickly went searching for the shirt and I found it at the bottom of the bed. I quickly threw the shirt on.

"Well, see ya." I said before heading for the door.

Before I could reach the door, I felt hands slide around my waist. "Today's the ceremony." he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I am going to go find Evelyn." I inform him.

I grab a hold of his hands and push them off of my waist. I turn around so that I could face him. I plant a kiss on his cheek before turning to leave.

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