Chapter 26: Are You Ready?

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I fixed my gaze on Zach. His eyes were becoming glossy. "We should give you guys some privacy." my mother's voice echoed throughout the room. Both of my parents got up as well as Ellie and they left the room.

"What h-happened?" I asked, my voice starting to become shaky.

Zach gulped, causing his adam's apple to bob. "I-I......" he took a deep breath and stared at me straight in the eye.

"I killed a whole pack of werewolves, including your real dad."


*Rachel's POV*

"I killed a whole pack of werewolves, including your real dad." He spoke out before looking down at his trembling hands. A tear slipped from his cheek and landed on his lap.

My jaw dropped. I wasn't expecting something like this. D-Does this make him a m-murderer? I stared at him in shock. He killed my father. I know my dad was a bastard, but still. My mate murdered him. And he also murdered more than just my dad. He murdered a whole pack!!!

There has to be a logical explanation for this.

"W-Why?" I asked.

His back stiffened as he tensed up. He finally looked up at me, but his eyes were dark and full of anger. "They killed my sister." I felt a sudden pain in my chest. It was like I felt whatever he felt. Probably because he marked me.

He had a sister????

I scooted closer to him and placed my hand on his thigh. "When did this happen?"

He looked down at his lap.

"When I was 15." His words shocked me. 15??? He killed a whole pack when he was only 15!!! That is pretty damn scary.

"15?" my voice shook in fear. He slowly nodded. Another tear slipped from his eye and started rolling down his cheek, leaving a trail of wetness behind.

I didn't really care about the fast that my father was dead, because he most definitely didn't act like one. Steven is my only father. I love him so much, and he treats me as his very own daughter and not like I am his step-daughter. And I am very thankful for that.

I scoot even closer to Zach and started caressing his wet cheeks. "Shhh..." I cooed as I started noticing that he was sobbing. I pulled him closer to me and he leaned his head into my shoulder.

"I am a murderer." he cried.

I honestly feel really bad for him. I rubbed his back and leaned my head on his. "It's okay, Zach. You did it for a reason." I assured him. "What pack was it."

"It was the red blood pack." he replied.

I lifted his head so that he can look into my eyes. His red, puffy eyes stared straight into my blue orbs. "It's okay. They don't deserve to live. They've killed so many people."

"But still..." he whispered, "I still feel like a murderer. I don't want you to be scared of me. I don't want you to think I'm dangerous."

"Zach-" I grab his face"-you are not dangerous and I am definitely not scared of you one bit."

My words seemed to have relieved him because he relaxed and wasn't tensed up any more. He leaned his forehead against mine and released a shaky breath.

"I love you Zach even if you did kill someone. It doesn't change the way I feel about you." I assured him before pressing my lips against his.

He immediately started kissing back. His hand found its way to my cheek and cupped it. It wasn't a long kiss because both him and I remembered that we were at my parent's house, who were most likely eavesdropping.

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