Chapter 35: December

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Hope you all enjoy this chapter!!! Sorry if its crappy!!! LATER!!! <3 <3 <3


*Rachel's POV*

The room was filled with silence. Zach laid next to me. My head laid against his chest and it slowly moved up and down with his soft breathing. His arms were wrapped securely around my body. I stared up at the ceiling.

The room was dark because the curtains were covering the windows and the lights were off. I rolled over so that I was facing the wall. The cold air hit the side of my face as I turned away from Zach.

His grip on me tightened and he pulled me up against his body. His legs lightly touched mine. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. His lips were parted and lightly brushed the sensitive skin as he breathed in his sleep.

Shivers traveled down my spine at his gentle touch. I craved it. I just wanted him to press his soft lips against my neck. He's such a tease when he's asleep.

I felt Zach's lips move against my skin as he mumbled. "Why are you awake?" his voice was muffled but I could clearly understand what he was trying to say.

"I can't sleep." I replied.

He moved forward and pressed a warm kiss on my jaw. "Why can't you sleep?" he asked. His warm breath fanned my face. The slight smell of morning breath lingered in his breath, but the smell didn't faze me. Mine probably smelled the same way, so who was I to judge.

"I don't know. I have a lot on my mind." It was true. I did have a lot on my mind. Not the events that brought me here, but more like what will happen in the future.

"Its okay baby." he kissed my cheek. He turned me around so that I was facing him and he pulled me so that he was hugging me. "We're all afraid of something. I'm not going to judge you about being scared. This must be unbearable for you. You are a very strong girl. Stronger than every other girl in the world. If I was in your feet, I would've probably acquired some type of syndrome or anxiety."

He pulled away and cupped my face. I looked down at his thumbs. After a few seconds of silence, I peered up at him through my lashes. "What are you afraid of?" I asked.

His jaw clenched. I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "I'm afraid-" he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead, "-of losing you." I felt my stomach clench at the sound of his scared voice.

I brought my hands up and wrapped them around his torso. I crushed him against me in an embrace. "It's okay, Zach. I'm not going anywhere."

He didn't reply, but we were in a comfortable silence. I buried my face into his neck and slowly kissed it. I mumbled sweet nothings as I kissed him. I felt his tensed muscles relax and he let out a shaky breath.

"I love you Rachel." he whispered. He cupped my face once again and captured his lips with mine, giving me a passionate kiss.

Just as the kiss was getting deeper, the door flung open. Zach and I quickly pulled away and looked over at the door way to see who it was. Jack marched over to the light switch and flicked it on, causing the dark room to be filled with light. I squinted my eyes and hissed at the light. "What the hell Jack?" I yelled angrily.

His hair was sticking up in every direction, he was shirtless while wearing a pair of sweatpants, and he was breathing heavily as if he just ran a 5k. He had bags under his eyes as well. But the thing is, he looked anything but tired.

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