Chapter 14: Ceremony Day

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*Rachel's POV*

"So the ceremony is in 4 hours and you haven't even taken a shower. Hell, you haven't even gotten out of bed!!!" Evelyn's voice rang throughout the room.

I groaned into my pillow and placed one of the other pillows over my head. I've been laying in bed all day, stressing over this commitment thing. I just don't think I'm ready for it. I'm only 18!

I felt the covers over my body being ripped off, allowing the cold hair to hit my bare skin.

I sat up in the bed for a few seconds before getting up.

Don't you just hate it when you get up too fast and you become dizzy?

Yeah, that's why I had to wait.....

"I'll get your bath ready!" She beamed, already dashing into the bathroom.

"Why not a shower?" I asked with a yawn right after.

"Because. You need to soak. Oh and don't forget to shave." She reminded me.

I rolled my eyes. I brushed my tangly hair before going into the bathroom. If my hair is messy before it gets wet, it's like really hard to brush out afterwards.

I shooed Ev out of the bathroom before getting naked and getting in the tub.

I sigh of satisfactory escaped my lips as I sunk down into the warm bath water.

30 minutes later I got out because I started getting wrinkly, like an old lady.

The cold air hit my body when I climbed out, causing me to shiver. I wrapped a white fuzzy towel around my body.

I walked back into the bedroom where Evelyn was. She had the dress laid out along with a pair of white sandals.

I smile formed on my face as I picked of the clothes and took them into the bathroom.

Once my body was dry, I slipped the dress on. The dress hugged me snuggly around my waist, and flowed out a little bit from the waist down.

The top of the dress was in just the right spot. It wasn't low enough to show my cleavage.

I slipped the sandals onto my feet. I dried my hair and blow dried it so that it could at least be dry instead of wet.

"Hey Ev, could you come do my hair?" I could out to Evelyn who was still in the other room.

Not a second later, Evelyn came barging through the door, carrying a large bucket full of blow driers, hair curlers, hair straighteners, brushes, combs, you name it, she has it. She was also carrying a pink makeup case.

She plugged in a hair straightener and started straightening my hair. Once my hair was straightened, she started curling the tips to look kind of like a Taylor Swift kind of style.

She opened up her makeup case. Mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, foundation, blush, lipgloss, etc., laid everywhere on the counter. Well, everyone collects something. My guess is, she collects makeup.

"Done." Evelyn beamed, smirking at her work. It's about time!!!!! I've been sitting here for what seamed like forever.

"Thank God!" I through my arms up in the air, standing up from my chair excitedly.

I peered in front the mirror and stared at myself in awe.

Is that really me?

Blue eye stared back at me. Wow, Ev did a really good job. She put just enough mascara and eyeliner on my face. She put some lip gloss on my lips since I refused to wear lipstick.

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