Chapter 18: Better Say Your Prayers, Darling

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*Rachel's POV*

I heard my cell door open. My head snapped up. Fear filled my body as grey eyes stared back at me. If only I knew his name.....then I could actually call him by his name. I bet his name is creepy. Like Damien or something like that. What if his name is Bob???

All my thoughts vanished when he yanked me up by the neck. Shivers were sent through my body. The fact that I'm still in my bra and underwear didn't help. He shoved me out of the stall and up the stairs.

Instead of going through that one door, we went through another. As soon as we walked in, my eyes immediately connected with brown ones.

Zach was tied up in a chair. He was shirtless and there were scratches all over his body. His jaw was bruised and his lips were bleeding. His hair was messy and he looked extremely weak and tired.

I gasped. Oh my God! What did they do to him?!

The hands around my wrists tightened. I yelped out in pain. Zach's eyes darkened and he growled. "Stop hurting her!" His voiced echoed throughout the room. I could just feel Dawn whining and whimpering.

The hands around my neck loosened and I felt my body hit the cold floor. Ignoring the aching pain in my body, I quickly got up and ran over to Zach.

Tears began flowing down my face even before I knew it. I wrapped my weak arms carefully around his neck and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I began sobbing into his skin.

I so badly wanted him to wrap his strong, warm arms around my body, but they were tied up behind him.

"Zach! Where are we? What does he want with us?" I started bombarding him with questions in between sobs.

"Shhhh." I heard him say in a soft voice. He shrugged his shoulder so that I could look at him in the face.

He brown eyes stared at me. "Did he hurt you?" he asked scanning my body. I bet my back was covered in bruises, but that's not the main problem. My cheek was stinging, a cut and dry blood traced across my neck, and I had a major headache.

I didn't respond, but he knew the answer. His eyes turned black and I could already tell his wolf was going crazy at the fact that someone touched Dawn and I.

I felt arms wrap around my waist, tightly and painfully. I was tugged off of Zach and thrown into the wall. My head started ringing and all I could hear was curse words being yelled out by Zach.

Ignoring the pain as much as possible, I rubbed my sore head. "What do you want from us?!" I shrieked.

The guy pushed me up against the wall. "If you want to know so much, why don't you just ask your boyfriend." He slapped my face and shoved me towards Zach.

Tears stung my eyes at the contact but I sat down on Zach's lap and looked at him straight in the eye.

"My mom is his mate." he let out. I could see his fists were clenched along with his jaw. My eyes widened at his words. My throat became dry and I started feeling nauseous.

I heard the guy growl. "Yes. And since your father took something special from me, I'm going to take something special from him."

I turned to look at him and noticed he was holding a knife. He slowly made his way towards Zach and I. I snapped my head towards Zach, and he had a worried yet angry expression. My grip tightened on Zach as I started screaming.

My screaming immediately stopped as I felt something soft crash onto my lips. My eyes widened as I noticed Zach was kissing me. I slowly closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel the cuts on his lips against mine. And I could slightly taste a little bit of copper from the blood, but I ignored it.

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