Chapter 36: Surprise

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Hey everyone! I'm sad to say this, but this is the last chapter of Forever Mine. I'm sad but I feel like its about time to put this story to an end. I've spent over a year working on this story, so I think its about time.

Anyways, on with the chapter!!!!


It's been about a week since I left the hospital. I've finally been able to sleep peacefully without having nightmares. Zach and I's bond has gotten a lot stronger, and it is really hard for us to be away from each other for a long period of time.

I always get lonely when he has to go do pack work while I'm stuck here doing nothing. I am able to go to the pack meetings because I'm the Luna but thats about it, besides having to go out to meet the pack members. That was easy because I already knew a lot of the people that are in this pack since a lot of them go to my school.

Speaking of school, I've missed so much of it. So much for completing school and going to college. Oh well, being Luna is way better than college. It's the best job in the world.

I was sitting on the couch Indian style eating a bowl of ramen noodles. I was wearing a Fall Out Boy sweatshirt with a pair of leggings. My hair was tied up into a messy bun. I took a bite of my noodles as I stared at the T.V. screen in front of me.

The movies I was watching was Twilight. I've seen this movies so many times. But it keeps on getting better every time I watch it.

I was at the part when Bella finds out that Jacob was a werewolf. I let out a chuckle as I remembered when I first found out that Zach was a werewolf.

"I don't know how to say this.....but-"

"Dude, we aren't even dating! Why are you breaking up with me?" I threw my arms up in the air before placing them across my chest.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I'm serious....." He took a deep breath, "Look.....I-I am a.....werewolf. Now I couldn't contain myself. I bursted out laughing and punched his arm playfully. "Yeah, and I'm Katniss Everdeen."

His face scrunched up. "I really am......" Then he pointed at me, "And so are you."

"Now I know you're kidding. How would I be a werewolf without myself knowing?"

"That's the thing. You're not suppose to know till your first shift." He explained.

I narrowed my eyes at him and scanned his face. He looks pretty serious to me.

But how can I be a werewolf? A Werewolf! A creature, whom I know nothing about. Plus they're not even real! They're made up things along with all those other supernatural creeps.

But it does make a lot of sense, considering everyone has been acting a bit weird lately.

"How do I know you're not tricking me? I'm not that gullible you know." I pointed out.

Suddenly Zachary started turning into a black fur ball. I tried covering my ears as much as possible when I started hearing agonizing bone cracking. My eyes widened as I saw yellow-green eyes staring back at me.

I chuckled again. Even though not knowing about the supernatural creatures that roamed this Earth made my life a lot simpler, I am so glad that I found out. I didn't really know much about them to even get the slightest idea, but now it makes so much sense. I was pretty strong for a regular human teenage girl and my hearing was better than the norm.

My heart as Dawn put images into my mind. Those images gave me memories about the time when Zach first told me that I was his mate. I was thinking about him and he could hear my thoughts. I asked him how he heard me and he told me it was because I was his mate.

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